Chapter 6

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The news spread quickly through the city of Ryal. There was to be an execution that afternoon. A traitor was going to be put to death in the yard outside the castle. It drew a crowd of curious onlookers, and gave the yard an almost festival-like atmosphere. Street vendors sold treats, drinks, and trinkets to the crowd, using the strange fascination people seemed to have for death to their financial advantage.

Everyone noticed the presence of the royal family and other nobles, but only those who managed to get close to the execution platform noticed that the queens weren't in attendance. Many wondered if that was a normal procedure, or if perhaps there was more of a meaning to it. No one had seen any other such executions to know for certain. Perhaps the traitor had tried to harm them and that was why he was being put to death. Perhaps the rumors were true that the queens were pregnant and such an event wouldn't sit well with them.

The crowd grew quiet when the prisoner was led out by several guards. He didn't speak or resist, simply stood where they placed him and stared out at the crowd.

A guard stepped forward and unrolled a scroll. He cleared his throat dramatically, then began to read in a booming voice, "For crimes against the royal family of Ryal, this man is stripped of his name and identity in the public eye, and sentenced to death. He has been charged with and confessed to working with our enemy, the Emperor of Dyrai, and using necromancy in an attempt to harm members of the royal family. He is condemned by the word of Grand King Wildas."

He rolled the scroll once more as jeers and insults were lobbed at the prisoner. The condemned man did not react, merely continued to stare off into the distance, his gaze above the crowd. When the guards moved him, he didn't fight. He willingly went to his knees and allowed the guards to position him over the executioner's block.

Those who had come to see a bloody spectacle were disappointed by the man's lack of emotion and the need for only one stroke of the blade to behead him. Some were still curious enough to follow the wagon that carried the body to the forest outside the city, where it was dumped and left to feed the wild animals.

Many people forgot what the man's crimes had been, being far more interested in the gruesome sights than the details, but others couldn't help but wonder what exactly the man had done. How had someone who knew the horrible magic of necromancy gotten close enough to the royal family to attempt to do them harm? And what exactly had he attempted?

It was something the city would speculate about for days, maybe even longer. And it would keep their minds off the impending war. Until they began to realize it was all a part of the same impending doom.


They had crossed the river into Phelin two days ago, and for the past two days Jaimathan had been experiencing something he had never expected to experience: his mysterious magic was deserting him.

He had still felt its presence when they had met the Phelinian soldiers who were to escort them to Ryal, but as they rode farther from the shore of the river that divided their two countries, he had felt it fading. He pulled Braith aside when they camped for the second night.

"Why is my magic leaving me?" he questioned.

Braith gave him a curious look. "What do you mean?"

"It's fading away. I can barely feel it now. My mother sent me here to learn how to use my powers, and now it will be for nothing. Your magic isn't gone, too, is it?"

Braith shook his head. "I'll speak to my father."

"Are we not going to see the most powerful sorcerer in existence?" They both turned as Fae approached. She stopped beside Jaimathan and put a hand on his shoulder. "Perhaps he may have an answer, if Braith's father doesn't."

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