Wolf's bane

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Allison was still trying to ignore Scott and that was exactly why, as soon as the boy walked into the room, Diana nudged Lydia who had been leaning against her desk so the red head would move and put her things on the empty chair next to Allison and behind Diana's just before Scott was able to do just that.

"Try another row, sweetheart." Lydia smirked snidely at Scott, who clenched his jaw as he glared at Lydia.

Seeing no other option when Diana just shrugged at him and Allison still refused to meet his eyes, Scott moved away from Lydia's chair and took a seat on the one behind hers, ending up not so far from Allison but not too close either.

"Okay, class, let's settle down." Their teacher said, as he walked into the room, ready to start another class. "Let's get our books out."

"Allison..." Scott whispered, as he leaned forward toward Allison, who, once again, pretty much refused to make any type of eye contact with Scott.

"Hey." She whispered back at him. "Class is beginning."

"I know, I'll shut up." Scott nodded. "I just, hum, I have some stuff on my phone that I wanted to send you. I thought you might like it."

From the corner of her eye, Diana could see Allison hesitated, but, in the end, she nodded her head.

"Okay..." She gave in, causing Diana and Lydia to exchange a glance, knowing all too well whatever it was that Scott had been planning would not be ending well for anyone involved.

"All right, I'd like to return to our discussion from yesterday with a more in-depth analysis of Iago and the way in which he preyed upon Othello's jealousies." The teacher started the class, causing Diana to shift her attention from Allison and then back at the teacher. Knowing her friend, however, Diana could almost picture the way Allison would be staring intently at her phone, waiting for Scott to show her whatever it was that he wanted to show her and, just as she had predicted, whatever it was, didn't end up well because, not three minutes after Scott had sent Allison his text, the girl already had her eyes tearing up as she gathered her stuff and stood up to leave the classroom with one final glare at Scott.

Surprised by the sudden turn of events, everyone in the classroom - including the teacher - turned to look at Scott who had decided to ignore the glare both Diana and Lydia were sending his way as he too picked up his bag and left the room, the smile he had on his face at the mere sight of Allison, instantly dropping from his face as he followed the girl out of the room.

"We seem to have some here today..." The teacher commented quietly, before shaking his head and continuing with his class.

Leaning back in her chair so her face was closer to Lydia's as the girl leaned foward across her desk, Diana tried to whisper with her best friend without raising too many suspicions from the teacher - Diana actually had a theory that most of her teachers actually did know that her and Lydia chatted and exchanged notes from most of their classes anyway but considering they were both quite good students and their conversations never actually interrupted a class, they didn't really say anything but since Diana didn't really want to test that theory and end up in detention somehow, she never did anything more extreme than whispering with Lydia during a class.

"Did you see what happened?" She asked, as Lydia shrugged.

"I know Scott sent Allison some pictures." She said. "Couldn't see what they were, though, so I don't know."

"Are we gonna ask her about that later?" Diana asked, causing Lydia to nod.

"Well, duh..." She smirked, leaning back against her chair as Diana smiled and bit back a smile as she turned back around to face the teacher once more. "Is that even a question?"

Unspoken - Book 1 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now