Pack mentality

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A/N: Almost half an hour earlier because this is one of my favorite chapters of this book and I couldn't wait hahah! Let me know your thoughts! Votes and comments are always appreciated!

If Diana was being honest, she wasn't entirely sure what had possessed her to actually ignore Lydia that afternoon and not sit at their usual table to make her way toward where she had seen Scott and Stiles sitting by themselves for lunch, but she did it anyway and, even if Lydia didn't follow her, she knew at least Allison would. And maybe Danny. Yeah... Danny wouldn't leave her alone just because he was scared of what people might say, would he?

"You can't just cancel your entire life!" Diana could hear Stiles saying as she approached the two of them. "We'll figure it out."

Coming out from behind Scott, Diana walked around the table to stand just beside Stiles as she placed her tray down in front of her.

"Figure out what?" She asked, moving to take a seat beside Stiles who had seemingly almost suffered from a heart attack as he looked from Diana and toward Scott and then back at Diana.

"Hum... We..."

"Just, hum, homework..." Scott spoke up once he noticed Stiles wasn't going to be able to function properly with Diana Hills sitting so close to him.

"Yeah." Stiles nodded, as Diana nodded, satisfied, before leaning across the table toward Scott as Diana reached for something in her bag. "Why is she sitting with us?"

Just as confused as Stiles, Scott shrugged. But, just as it usually happened whenever Diana Hills or Lydia Martin were anywhere, more people started to flock around and, after having Lydia sitting across from Diana, beside Scott, Diana smiled at Danny when he sat down beside her and Allison moved to the other seat beside Scott, once he had quickly moved his backpack from there so she could sit.

"Thanks!" She smiled.

"Get up." Jackson glared at one of his lacrosse friends - Diana thought he could be called Jacob, but she never cared enough to learn - who had decided to sit beside Lydia, only to have him groan up at him.

"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny smirked, causing Diana to nudge him on the side.

Poor Jacob, seeing no other option, stood up then, rolling his eyes when Jackson pushed him aside carelessly. Diana rolled her eyes at Jackson's behavior, but just before she could even open her mouth to comment on it and make the whole situation just a little bit more uncomfortable for everyone involved, Danny spoke up, bringing up the one subject he - and pretty much everyone else in town - had been talking about: the dead body found on the school bus just that morning.

"So, I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack." He said. "Probably a cougar."

"I heard mountain lion." Jackson said.

"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia corrected her boyfriend, as if it was nothing, causing everyone to turn to look at her, surprised. Noticing everyone's eyes on her, Lydia shrugged, putting up her stupid facade, still trying to hide her increible intellect for whatever reason. "Isn't it?"

"Who cares?" Jackson scoffed. "The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway."

"Do you ever think before you speak?" Diana glared at Jackson, causing the boy to return her glare just as hard, but just before the two of them could go at each other again, Stiles interrupted them.

"Actually, I just found out who it is." He said, putting his phone out on the table so everyone could watch the video he was playing in it. "Check it out."

Unspoken - Book 1 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now