Wolf moon

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"New year, new us..."

Diana rolled her eyes as she turned to look at Lydia from her place in the passenger's seat of her best friend's car.

"New you?" She almost scoffed, reaching for her bag on the backseat and shaking her head at the way Lydia extended a hand out to her, expecting her to pass her her own bag. "You're lucky I love you."

Lydia winked over at Diana in a silent thank you for her bag, already far too used to the blonde's little quirks.

"You are lucky I love you because you had the chance to be dating one of the lacrosse guys and you still choose not to be." She said, causing Diana to groan silently.

"I don't want to date him."

"You could start dressing better then, at least."

"I dress fine."

"I'm just saying, since this is a new school year, you could try..."

"I'm not changing anything about myself." Diana interrupted Lydia before the girl could start with her long and very boring speeches about being perceived better around the school. "But you? You could maybe change your boyfriend."

"Stop." Lydia rolled her eyes pushing open the car door as if to actually walk away from Diana and her own need of always listing out the number of reasons why she didn't particularly like Jackson Whittemore. "I'm not breaking up with him."

"So I'm not letting you dress me up for school." Diana shrugged, stepping out of the car as well and closing the door after her as Lydia sighed.

"Fine, then." She relented, locking her car and wrapping her arm around Diana's as the two of them started to make their way toward the entrance of the school. "But I just have to say... I still don't think beige is your color, maybe brown, but you definitely should try some green to make those hazel eyes pop."

"Maybe I'll try it." Diana shrugged. "If you stop being so mean to me every time I wear something you don't like."

"I'm just saying!" Lydia defended herself, a small smile on her lips as she started to go on and on about all the clothing combinations Diana could - well, no, should - try since she knew the girl's closet inside out and as much as Diana tried to pay attention to her, fashion was just something she never particularly care for, so she did end up tuning out most of what Lydia was saying as they walked together toward the school. That is, until she heard her name being called from somewhere from her right.

"Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since... Since the birth of Diana Hills."

Turning her head around, Diana found the source of the comment and she instantly recognized who it belonged to: Stiles Stilinski, of course, the same boy who had been trying to flirt with her since she could remember but that always got too nervous or, more often than not, too caught up with his messes with Scott McCall to ever properly hold a conversation with her. Every year, Diana wondered whether or not Stiles would grow out of his crush on her and, every year, he surprised her by not giving it up. Lydia always said it was kind of pathetic how caught up on her he was, but Diana thought it was endearing. Maybe a little worrying, but cute in a weird way.

"Hey, Diana!" Stiles waved a little once he noticed she was looking at him. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Stiles." Diana called back at him with a smile, not missing the way he blushed a little.

"That, hum... That shirt rocks!" He called out again, only to have Scott snorting quietly at his expense as Diana giggled and groaned a little when Lydia tugged her by the arm.

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