chapter 15 [whipped]

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'' jay-ah '' called heeseung '' Yes hyung ''
'' did you take your medicines '' ''Yes hyung I did '' said jay '' okay be careful ''
Jay nodded his head and went to jake's car to go to school

At school it was not a really good day for jay lim Hyeri early in the morning itself started pestering jay . Jay who was getting irritated started to have a argument with her . Hyeri kept on asking jay to be her bf both jake and sunghoon gets worried atlast taehyun snapped . Jay nearly faints cause of stress. So they decided to skip the school .

They went to a place near and started to hangout.  Taehyun nearly killed a man for winning against him in a arcade . The kids felt sorry for beomgyu .

Then they went to home and changed their outfits and decided to meet up at a cafe
'' jay-ah why are you looking so cute ''
''Huh'' said jay tilting his head to the side cutely all the people in the cafe cooed .

'' I think our nephew or niece will be really cute and beautiful '' whispered jake to sunghoon who replied proudly with a smirk
'' of course he has inherited my genes ''
'' do I look like a joke to you ofcourse the child has inherited my genes '' said jake while glaring.

All of them took pictures of JAY alot that day because of how beautiful and cute he looked.  They even met shua uncle .

  They even met shua uncle

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Jung Doyun

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Jung Doyun

18 years old
Jung Areum's younger brother.

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