55 🌙 Fine ignore me

Começar do início

"Yes." She slammed herself down into my hand. "Yes! You better stop now before you make me look fucked at the dinner table." She was barely able to speak as everything she said sounded like an needy whisper.

"You sure you want to stop, you seem to enjoy this." My smirk pressed into the side of her face while I kept pumping in and out of her slowly.

"I am, fuck I am." She breathed riding my hand hard like she wanted me to add another finger and make her come right now. "But yeah sure." She lifted herself up and I felt my fingers no longer filling her.

"I would say good girl, but I know w-what you're think right now, and that's far f-f-rom innocent." I pecked her lips without wiping the smirk off my face.

She sat back down in my lap, while I pulled the strings on her hip a little higher, my coated fingers hot and slick as they caressed her skin. I had those blue eyes on me and witnessed them roll into the back of her head. "You're right. You're fucking me in French right now." She pushed herself into me and sudden groan couldn't be avoided.

"Ah. T'es sûre? Je ne t'ai pas encore entendu crier mon nom." I chuckled, biting down on my smirk as a sparkle lit up her eyes. She's melting for that French stuff.

"I didn't get that, but the smirk on your face tells me your baguette is excited for tonight." Oh my...

"Lu, my baguette? Really?" I pulled my brows up at her, and she pressed her lips trying to hold back another comment, but that was to no avail.

"I'm being generous, I could have said croissant." She instantly pressed her lips once more, trying not to laugh at my face and that's when I completely burst out in laughter.

"You're too damn funny." I rolled my eyes at her. "I need to t-t-teach you some other words than baguette and croissant or you'll never get any further than ordering le petit déjeuner."

"That's breakfast huh?" I nodded, surprised. "How about you teach me all about dessert?" I was falling for that grin, her eyes playful, her lips still swollen from kissing me hard.

"Not right now, if you don't want t-t-to show up at t-t-the dinner table looking freshly fucked." I smirked and she stepped of my lap with an adorable pout on her lips.

"Worst possible first impression." She shook her head, grabbing her dress off the bed. Time for that cold shower.

"You couldn't make a bad impression if your tried baby." I smiled on my way to the bathroom, but then turned around, leaning into the doorpost. I felt my lips part as I watched her slip on that dress, the fabric perfectly draped over her body. So damn gorgeous.

"Now you're staring at me Martin." She chuckled, reminding me of that one time I caught her staring while I was getting dressed in front of her, well before the dating stage. The way she rolled onto to her stomach to stop being tempted to look, was just so too adorable.

"Not the f-first time." I smirked at her before dispreading into the bathroom, finally getting rid of that semi hard on that was still torturing me and I didn't plan to have dinner with. I stared at her a lot actually, and I admired her every single time.

Thank god Luna threw some sort of cream colored chiffon blouse over her shoulders to cover up a little more, giving her fancy look that little touch of Luna, sexy, damn sexy, but also cute. It was the first time she had worn heels in my presence and to my surprise I liked her small and tall. Only my neck explicitly thanked me for those extra inches. I dressed up nicely too, black dress pants and shirt, my hair a mess but I liked it that way. I like it better with a cap, but once in a while I just need to part with it. She smiled at me as I stood in front of her, the twinkle in her eyes already setting the mood for the rest of the night. I took her hand and dragged her to an empty kitchen, mom not ready yet, as she was taking her time, and dad... I didn't know where he went.

MOONDUSTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora