Part 2: L

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Light led Henna to another door. "Well, here we are." He says, "This is where all the action is."
As Light opened the door, the room felt cold and it was dimly lit. There were surveillance cameras everywhere, microphones, headsets, two cellphones, recording equipment, and...dessert plates on the table? Henna then saw the back of someone sitting in a crouching position on a rolling chair. He had a large, baggy, white long sleeved shirt and baggy blue jeans. From this angle, his unkept hair slightly covered his eyes as he was hunched over, intensely staring at the computer screen. Henna couldn't see his face yet.

"Ryuzaki?" Light says, walking up to the crouched man. "We're here. I brought the girl here like you said."
Girl? Henna thought. I'm older than him by a few years at least.
"Ah, Light, there you are. Welcome back."
The man turned and stared at Light. Henna can now see his face. His skin was pasty white; dark circles were under his wide, light-grey eyes which indicates he doesn't sleep regularly. Which is to be expected from a detective who works day and night and stares at computers 24/7. Henna also couldn't help but notice that he wasn't wearing any shoes or socks. Is this strange man really L? He then stood up from his chair as he was now facing Henna. He looked hunched over even when standing. Judging from his face, he didn't seem very old. Not much older than Henna herself.
"Sevenna Mina Yamada. Foster daughter of Brandon J. Cullen. Age; unknown...ceased from abusive family...adopted by Cullen. Please, correct me if I am wrong." His unblinking, pale-grey eyes staring intensely at her.
Henna's eyes widened. How did he know all this personal information about her? Cullen must have told him.
"H-how did you...Y-you're..."
"Yes...I am L...the true L."
Henna let out a small gasp.
"Honestly, do you really think I was going to send a decoy to interview you instead?" L tilted his head slightly. "That would be foolish on my part...Yes, it is true. I wanted to interview person. Now, you may think that I suspect you of being would be correct. Although my suspicions are merely at 1%...there is still a possibility that you may be...or be associated with Kira."
"Hold on, Ryuzaki," cautions Light, "don't you think you're going a little too fast? And being a little too harsh? I mean, the poor girl only just got here and you're already bombarding her with interrogation questions. We should let her regain her thoughts before questioning her any further. Besides, you didn't even let her introduce herself yet."
"I already know who she is." L says bluntly. He then sighs. "But, I suppose you're right, Light." He then looked at Henna again. "I suppose I was being a little too...forward. Perhaps you could tell me a little more about you're own words, Miss Sevenna? Please, sit. Help yourself to some coffee or cake." He turned and resumed sitting in a crouched position in his chair, sipping his coffee.
Henna remained standing. "If you really are L..." She says, thinking out loud. "And you truly think I am or I am associated with Kira...then why reveal yourself to me? If you truly thought I was even remotely close to that madman and still revealed yourself to me, I assume you would...die within the next 3o seconds or within 24 hours of a heart attack. That would be a...typical Kira case, right?"
L looked up again, tilting his head curiously. "Hm..." "perhaps I've underestimated this young woman...she seems more intuitive than I thought."  He thought, putting a thumb to his lips.
"Hm, based on what you're saying, you seem to know a lot about Kira, Sevenna." Light says.
Henna nods. "I was kinda... following his case ever since I saw his first attack reported on the news." She says softly, "I didn't want Cullen knowing because I was afraid he'd be upset with me. He's very protective of me...he never would have brought me here if he thought that my life would be in danger...I followed the reports...the footage on the surveillance cameras and recordings by the NPA...not to mention the hidden footage I see on the web." She then looked at L again. "If it's information you want's information you will get. But first...let's...start over." She then walked up to L. "I am Sevenna Mina Yamada. But you may call me Henna. It's an honour to meet you...L." She put out her hand.
"Pleasure to meet you, Henna." L says simply, grasping her hand very lightly, barely touching her. "As you know...I am L. But you may refer to me as Ryuzaki from now on."
Henna nods in response.
L then held up a piece of cake on a plate. "Are you sure you don't want any cake? I'd hate to see it go to waste."
Henna smiled a bit, taking the piece of cake. "Thank you." She says quietly. " like cake."
L looked up again as if something caught his attention. "Light? Could you please ask Matsuda to bring Henna a cup of coffee? Do you take cream or sugar?" He asked Henna.
"Both...if you don't mind." Henna says in her quiet voice again.
Light nodded. "I'll be right back." He says.
"No need to rush, Light. There is still more that we need to discuss...Henna." L says as Light walks out the door.


A few moments have passed as L and Henna conversed. Henna now had a coffee in her hand, sitting down across from L. They talked about her past and why L took it upon himself to meet up with her.
"So you see," L began after there was a moment of silence.
"Based on what you said about Kira killing your biological father, you mentioned that you wanted to thank him and then...bring him to Justice." He then looked intensely at her again, edging closer to her. "Do you have any idea what you are getting into, Henna?"
Henna's eyes widen as she sat a little further back in her chair.
"For months, my team has been hard at work trying to catch Kira." L mentioned. "We have had so many many evidence. We are so close to catching him...yet we are so far." He then looked closely at Henna again. "You also mentioned that you have a knack for computer programming and hacking...which could come in handy in tight situations such as this....if I told you that you could help in this investigation...what would you do? Do you think you would be up for it? Or perhaps I am asking to much of you?"
Henna started back at L in surprise. She never would have thought that he...L Lawliet himself would offer her to work with him and his team! Would Cullen allow this? Would she even be skilled enough to even be a part of it?
"R-Ryuzaki I...I don't even know what to say. You...want me to...assist you in the Kira case? Surely you can't be serious...Are you?"

"Oh, I am dead serious about the offer, Henna. Believe me. I don't make offers like this to just anyone." L mentioned as he munched on a macaron. "You don't have to give an answer right away. But, I would consider accepting are a bright girl, Henna. I can tell just by looking at you. You have intelligence that need to be recognized. Even if this Task Force is privately owned...if my deductions on you are correct...I believe you are capable of doing great things, Miss Henna. Besides, I am curious to see what you are capable of."
"I'll do it." Henna says quickly, before L could say anything else. This is the first time anyone has offered her a job based on her skills and not by her looks. This was like a dream come true to her.
"I promise you, L- er...Ryuzaki, I will do anything I can to help you in this investigation. I will do whatever you ask of me. It will be an honour to work with you, Ryuzaki." She got up and bowed in respect. "I am in you dept."
L's eyes widen. I didn't expect an answer so quickly. He thought to himself. He then smiled ever so slightly.
"Welcome to the NPA, Henna." He says, putting out his hand.
Henna nodded, shaking his hand. "Thank you, Ryuzaki-san." She said with a smile. "I promise, I will not let you down. You have my word."

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