Sevenna's Story- Past and Present

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In Tokyo Japan, 1997, there lived a young girl who had a very troubled life. Nine years ago, then eight-year-old Sevenna Mina Yamada lived with a mother who was disconnected and neglectful due to her addiction to pharmaceutical and neurotic drugs, and a father who was cruel and a violent alcoholic. As you could imagine, Sevenna did not have the happiest childhood living at home. In fact, her happiest time of the day was when she would go to see her child psychiatrist, Dr. Brandon Cullen, once a week. She would find any excuse to see Dr. Cullen again and again just so she didn't have to go back home.

One day, during one of their normal daily sessions, Sevenna (or Henna as she prefers), mentions that her father has...touched her in a way that was inappropriate. Dr. Cullen was shocked to hear that coming from a girl her age. He wanted to look more into the situation. With a little more investigating, Cullen discovered that Henna's father was not only physically and mentally abusing Henna and her mother, but he sexually assaulted them as well. Cullen wanted to help Henna get out of that toxic environment and tried to get her and her mother the help that they needed. Henna's mother was no longer fit to remain in custody of Henna so, with a lot of persuasion of the court and investigating, Cullen gained custody of Henna and took her in as his adopted daughter and she has been with him ever since then. Cullen means everything to Henna. Not only was he an authoritative father figure, but also her teacher, confidant and guide. He taught her proper life skills, made it possible to attend school again, he even taught her self defence. But what Henna didn't know, was that he was also part of the NPA as a detective and was part of an elite police force which handled the most difficult and serious cases that had to be kept on the down-low. He didn't want her to discover that he was living a double life. He didn't want her to think badly of him nor did he want her getting caught up in all the drama from media and other officers.

We fast forward to present day, (the year 2006) . Dr. Cullen has now retired from being a child psychologist but, again, unbeknownst to now twenty-two year old Henna, is still assisting the NPA in private investigations. Only the most elite police officers were fit to work on this investigation. He usually worked on cases you don't normally hear on tv or the radio. That is until one day, he caught wind of the infamous name...Kira. Kira, the self proclaimed "God of Justice" and claimed he stood for "all that is good and pure" as he put it. He wanted to rid the world of evil and only spare good people that are pure of heart and do good in the world. He also had possession of a book called "The Death Note" where you would write someone's full name down in that book and they would die with in minutes or within 24 hours of a heart attack. But, little did everyone know, Kira wasn't just targeting petty criminals like he once did. Now, he is set to kill anyone who dared to oppose him or anyone who suspects him. Cullen and the other NPA members wanted to find out more about this Kira and how they could take him down for good. But as you would have guessed, Kira is highly intelligent, calculated and precise on how he commits these crimes. Like a sniper, he patiently watches, waits for the right time, then he plans his attack, right when his victims least expect it. The investigators will have to use an immense amount of caution and their timing must be planned right down to the second. It was always a risk when investigators would go topside, but they really had no choice in the matter. If Kira left any evidence at all during the crime they must compromise it immediately.

Present day: One afternoon at the head office of the NPA, the superintendent, Detective Soichiro Yagami (father of Light Yagami, a young man who is also investigating Kira), informed the few members that were involved in the Kira case about the suspicious deaths of prison inmates. Cullen said that he would investigate things further at his end. He said he would go to Shinjuku (Downtown Japan), to see if he can find out more information about these mysterious crimes. "Don't worry, sir, I will try my best to be subtle." Says Cullen. He was of course talking to the one simply known as L through a telecom. L hardly showed his face to anyone. Not even Cullen has fully seen him. He only heard his voice through the phone or recordings. L was the reclusive detective who was heading this whole operation.
"I will be looking forward to your report back, Dr." L says through the intercom.
"Relay to me as soon as possible. Oh and Mr. Cullen? I will be sending Matsudsa with you as well. He needs the extra training and the experience." Matsudsa, the youngest member of the NPA with jet black hair, oversized suite, boyish features and wide hopeful eyes, sat up immediately.
"Yes, sir!" He exclaims. "I'll do my best to do my part in this investigation, sir."
L sighed before talking through the speaker once more.
"Please be careful. We don't want any mishaps occurring now, do we?" Cullen nods, Matsuda was like a son to him. He took the extra time to train Matsuda and explain things to him instead of undermining him or talking down to him like the others do. "You have my word, L- er...sir. We will not let you down." L nodded slightly behind the screen. "Oh, and you will refer to me as, Ryuzaki from now on. This is a precautionary rule just so I can remain anonymous to the public. As for you, Mr. Cullen, your alias is now Dr. Yugi." Cullen nodded.
"Yes, Ryuzaki. I have my alias ID that you have provided for me." He then thought in the back of his mind that he had to inform Henna about this somehow. Kira has become too unpredictable now. She was no longer safe to be by herself at home. Above all things, he must protect his adopted daughter. He would set out that night during his investigation, without being too obvious of course.

Meanwhile, Sevenna was on her way home from doing her usual routine at the mall when she received an unexpected call from Cullen. She thought she'd better answer it in case it was an emergency.
"Henna, thank goodness I caught you on time." Says Cullen on the other end. His voice was low.
"Brandon? What's going on? I can barely hear you."
"I don't have a lot of time to talk." Says Cullen seriously. "You must listen to what I am about to say and listen very carefully, okay?"
"Wait, Cullen, what's going on?" Henna asked, lowering her voice.
"You remember Kira, right?" Cullen asked.
"Well of course. Who would forget him? He's all over the news." Henna mentioned. She then gasped. "Don't tell me he's claimed yet another life?"
Cullen sighed. "Yes." He says on the other line. "I'm afraid you are no longer safe to be out on the streets by yourself, Henna. I am coming to pick you up as we speak. So, don't be alarmed when you see a cop car pull up beside you in the next 20 minutes."
Henna's eyes widen. "Cop car? Brandon, what're you talking about? Are we in trouble?" She sounded worried.
"I am sorry, Henna. I can say no more." Cullen says, about to hang up.
"W-wait! Wait, Brandon, you're scaring me now. Please, don't hang up. I want you on the line until you come."
Cullen sighs and smiles sadly. "Don't be afraid, Henna. I promise you will be in good hands. But yes, I shall stay on the line until...I arrive."
This was it. Cullen knew this day would come. He has no choice but to reveal to Henna that he works for the NPA and is involved in the Kira case. He must reveal to her what he truly does.

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