Part 1: The Truth Revealed

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A few moments have passed as Henna waited for Cullen to arrive at a bus stop. She then hears sirens coming down the street and a cop car pulling up next her. "How did they find me so quickly?" She thought in her head. The window in the passenger seat then scrolled down and someone with dark glasses looked at her. It was Matsuda, while Cullen was driving, "Sevenna Yamada?"

Matsuda got out of the vehicle and opened the back door for Henna to get in.
"I'm afraid you'll have to come with us, Miss Yamada." Says Matsuda. "Don't be afraid, you're not in trouble or anything, we are only escorting you to the station."
"Hold on, I'm not getting in until you tell me what the hell is going on here." Henna says, still standing on the sidewalk. Cullen sighs. "Henna, I told you, we don't have a lot of time. Please, get in the car."
Henna's eyes widen. "Cullen?? You... you work for the NPA?"
Cullen sighed again, keeping calm. "Yes. I will explain further once we get to the station, there is much to be discussed."
Henna nods as she got in the police car, as Matsuda held open the door for her.
"Thank you." She says quietly as Matsuda smiled.
"You're welcome, Miss Henna." He says, closing the door behind her as he too got in the vehicle as they started to drive away. "It's a pleasure to meet your daughter, Mr. Cullens." Says Matsuda with another smile.
"She's right here, Matsuda. You don't have to tell me." Cullens says with a chuckle.
"O-oh, right, sorry, Miss Henna." Says Matsuda with a nervous chuckle.
Henna only smiled and nodded. She didn't say much, since she was still unsure of what was happening. She still didn't understand why Cullen didn't tell her sooner that he was working for the NPA. Was it because he was trying to protect her? Was it because he didn't want her knowing about the grim details about the crimes that have been happening? All of these questions were whirling around in Henna's mind. She was so deep in thought she almost forgot where they were going.

Cullen glanced at her through the back mirror. "You're awfully quiet back there, Henna. Are you alright? I know this must be a shock to you. It is a lot to take in. But I assure you, all your questions will soon be answered once we arrive at headquarters."
Little did they know was that L sent a very subtle message to Matsuda's phone saying: "Be sure to interview the girl before entering. Just to be safe. My suspicion of her being Kira is only a small percentage but, it is better to be safe than sorry."
"Unbelievable." Matsuda mumbled under his breath.
"What is it, Matsuda?" Asked Cullen. "Is it...him?"
"Yes." Matsuda answered. "He suspects Henna to be a possible Kira."
"Seriously? That man is relentless when it comes to his suspicions and big ideas." Cullen mumbles.
"Let me guess. He wants us to interview her?"
"Actually sir, he just sent another text saying...change of plans I will interview her...personally?" Matsuda stared at the text with surprise.
"Personally?" Cullen repeated, also not believing what he's just heard. "You don't think he'll...actually show do you?"
"I mean, it's possible. I've only seen him once...but again it was his choice to show himself. If he wants to interview Henna, then it must be on his own least that's what I've gathered. Ryu- uh...He isn't one for doing things spontaneously. When he decides to act on something, it's usually for a reason."
"You hear that, Henna? You are about to meet our boss for the first time. This is unusual because...he hardly ever shows himself personally to interview anyone. It's either by computer screen or by phone. Why he decided to do this now? It's beyond me. But I know one thing; If he sets his mind to something, there is no stopping him."
Henna's eyes widen. She was about to meet the top investigator of not only the NPA...but the world.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but, you are investigating the Kira case, correct?"
"That is correct." Says Cullen.
"I heard that this... "boss" is one of the top detectives in the world. In fact, I heard his announcement to Kira on how he was going to track him down and bring him to justice. All that was seen was a white screen and the letter L in Gothic font. Which I assume is your boss's symbol. So, I suppose it is only logical that he suspects me. Even if the possibility is slight."
Matsuda and Cullens looked at each other in surprise. Henna knew more about Kira than what they thought.
"Wow, you're very caught up in the current events, aren't you?" Matsuda asked with a slight grin.
"Ever since Kira killed my biological father...I must find out who he really I can thank him...and then...put him behind bars."
"As do we all." Say Cullen. "But as you know, that will be no easy task. This is why we only have a handful of officers to conduct this investigation. Kira is one slippery bastard...but we will find a way to catch him. If L can't find one can."

A few minutes later, Cullen finally pulled up to Japan's police headquarters. They were greeted by a tall glass door and an older man standing there. He was obviously expecting their arrival. Both Cullen and Matsuda stepped out of the vehicle. They started talking to the older man whom Henna assumed was the chief of police. She could barely make out what they were saying. She only heard muffled voices and saw Cullen pointing behind him slightly. She then saw the chief approach the police car and opened the door for her. She looked up, slightly startled.
"Welcome to Headquarters, Miss Yamada. I am Yagami Soichiro, chief of police and Deputy Director of the Task Force." Says the chief, showing his badge with a kind smile. "Don't be afraid. You are amongst allies here. Come. Please." He offered his hand to her.
"Suppose that's my cue to get out of the car." She thought to herself as she stepped out of the vehicle. She looked at the man in front of her in the eyes. She didn't fully trust what was happening here, but the look in the chief's eyes seemed comforting for the time being. She took the chief's hand gingerly as he, Cullen and Matsuda, walked into headquarters as Cullen held open the door for them.
"Ah, it's about time you got here." Says another man with short, slightly curled hair and a stern face.
"We came as soon as we could, Aizawa!" Exclaims Matsuda.
"And look, we brought Miss Yamada here safe and sound." He smiles.
The man called Aizawa looked at Henna and nodded slightly.
"Nice to meet you, Henna. I am Shuichi Aizawa, member of the-"
"The Task Force...she knows." Cullen says.

"Tell me, Aizawa...where is L- uh- Ryuzaki?" Chief Yagami asked.
"He's...probably talking with your son, as usual." Aizawa mumbled.
Just then, a handsome young man who was neatly dressed, and his brown hair neatly combed over his eyes slightly, walked in the room. He looked to be no older than seventeen.
"Aizawa? Are they hear yet..." he then looked at the chief, Cullen and Matsuda. "Oh, hey guys, you found her. At last, that's good." He looked up and smiled slightly.
"As you know, Miss, we've been expecting you."
Chief Yagami nodded. "More like...Ryuzaki is expecting her. This is why they brought her here in the first place. Light, where is he?"
"Actually dad, is it alright if I take her to him?" Light asked. "After all, I am the one who's been working with him the most. Perhaps he'd feel more comfortable if I take her to him personally."
"Light, you've been on your feet all day, maybe take a rest for a moment." Says Cullen, his father instincts also kicking in.
Henna widened her eyes. Was this young man serious? He's the chief's son so he must be involved in the Kira case as well. She had no other choice.
"Cullen," Henna said finally. "It's alright, I'll go with him."
Both Cullen and Soichi looked at each other. Cullen then nodded slowly.
"Alright." Says Cullen. "You may go. But, let me warn you...Ryuzaki is a little...odd so, please don't be offended if he doesn't stand up to greet you or look at you right away. He's not really a...people person."
"In case you haven't noticed, Cullen, neither am I." Henna commented as she walked towards Light.
Light smiled and chuckled slightly. "Oh don't worry, Mr. Cullen. He seems to be pretty adamant about this. He must really want want to speak with you, Henna."
Henna was slightly confused. Why would this "Ryuzaki" want to speak with her personally? She fell silent again as Light led her to the room that L was in.

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