Chapter 2: Awakening

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Luz and Eda were flying as the human looked to see the area around, seeing how it was so insane and unnatural, she didn't have any words to describe it. But Eda did, and Luz now wanted to get some answers out of here.

"Okay! You might explaining to me what the heck is this place!?"

"You know, you're being a little rude to the person you just saved your life." Eda said. "But if you must know, this is the Boiling Isles. Every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours."

To prove her point, various flying creatures flew near them, including a griffin, which ended up puking up spiders, causing Luz to cringe.

"Wow. This is real?" She asked

"Yep. We've got griffins, dragons, krakens, giraffes."


"Yeah. But we banished those guys." Eda explained. "Bunch of freaks with their long necks...and soul feeding."

That last part made Luz ask "Wait, what was that last part?"

"Oh, and there were also vampires."


But before anything else cane be said, Luz gets thrown to the ground as Eda lands and hops off her staff. Luz quickly picks herself back up, and then sees Eda's hand had stayed on her stick.

"Gah!" She exclaimed.

"Whoops." Eda said, taking her hand and putting it back on. "That happens sometimes. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, what say we head inside?"

It was then that Eda showed Luz her house in the distance, which was made of made from white brick with a sloping blue roof. There was a stained glass window above the door gives the impression of a large orange demon eye. There was also a crumbling stone tower with orange moss growing on it is located to the rear left of the house. But Luz was so keen on going into this creepy lady's home.

"Hold on! I'm not going anywhere with you!" She said to Eda. "I have to get back home!"

"And you will!" Eda exclaimed. "But we'll get to that later. So let's just go in before more guards find us out here."

"Fine." Luz grumbled. "You sure we'll be safe in there?"

"Not to worry. My house has a built in, state-of-the-art defense system."

The Owl Head on the door had then spoke.

"Hoot-Hoot. Password please."

And then, Eda poked him in both his eyes."

"We don't have time for this, Hooty. Let us in."

"Okay! Okay. Geez! You never wanna have any fun! Ow! ...Hoot!"

The door, now known as Hooty opens his mouth wide enough to completely cover the door. Eda and Luz step through, though Eda's bag stays outside. Hooty closes his mouth and burps. Inside, it was a little too dark to see, but not for much longer...

"Now, Luz. Allow me to welcome you too..." Eda begins to say with a snap of her fingers. "The Owl House."

Suddenly, candles ignite. A fire in the fireplace starts, a cauldron starts stirring itself, and a broom starts sweeping the floor. A depiction of some kind of Owl Beast can be seen above head. Luz looked around the place and is almost taken away by the sight of it.

"Wow. This is something else entirely." She says in awe.

Eda then says. "This is the place where I hide away from the pressures of Modern Life...and the cops...and ex-boyfriends."

Luz B. Noceda: The Next BelmontHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin