Chapter 15: Never a Dull Day

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Dracula's infamous castle had been taken over by a sinister vampire who was a master of the Blood Art Techniques. He had turned to Castle into a maze of living artistry, in which a whole new otherworld existed from beyond. The current wielder of the fabled Vampire Killer, who had yet to truly tap into the power the Enchanted Whip carries, now finds himself enter one of these dimensions, said to be a place were the most mischievous and twisted of dark magic resides. A Nation of Fools, it is said to be, for those who are allured by its 'amusement' never return for its ever-lasting circus. For at the very center, there is a void of life and within that, there is one...who is many...

"And this took place around the time of John Morris, during my family's absence from the land." Luz explained to her friends, Willow and Gus, who were speaking to her through a Crystal Ball.

"Amazing." Willow said. And Gus asked "So, these guys were actually able to cross to different worlds...through paintings?"

"Basically. It's actually a pretty old story from my world. But, since the Blood Art Techniques haven't been practiced in decades, there is no chance of that happen again soon."

"You know, we were actually told that in our minds, our memories are projected as portraits." Willow explains. "It is said that one is able to enter the minds of another and manipulate the thoughts and memories of the hosts."

"I've never heard of anything like that." Luz replied. "My family have only ever experienced going through pocket dimensions in order to face great challenges. In fact, the guy I just told you about, Jonathan Morris, he had to enter my family's whip in order to obtain its true power."

"Enter the whip?" Willow asked. "Is that even possible."

"Oh yeah. See, the whip is able to carry memories of its previous user, the true heirs to my family are the only ones who's memory it shelters. And for that reason, did Jonathan fight the memory of Richter Belmont when in need of the whip's full power."

"Wow. So...can any of us be able to use the whip if we were the fight the memories?" Gus asked enthusiastically. To which Luz simply "Maybe...if you survive."

That last part scared Gus a little as Willow decided to change the subject.

"So, how are things with you and King? Have you forgiven him yet."

Luz gave the 'so-so' gesture as she said "He's be trying to help me with my research and has been the last few nights analyzing the Abyssal we got from the school."

"It's true then?" Willow asked. "The new Devil Forging Teacher really is-"

"A Dark Lord. I want to warn Amity about this, but if I do, I fear she may want to quit the class, which could arouse suspicion. Zobek is not one to be taken kindly. He is smart and conniving, and he might send more of his minions to try and hunt me, or anyone I'm aligned with down. I need to take extra caution if I am to protect everyone."

Seeing how there friend was stressed, Gus and Willow wanted to make up for Luz in some way. And since school was canceled for the day due to an infestation, they believed today to be the perfect day.

"Well, Luz, since you're obviously under a lot of stress, why not take the day off and spend the day with us?"

"I wish I could." Luz said, resting her head on her hand. "But in all honesty, there isn't that much else to do around the Isles. No offense, but what are the chances a place amusement is gonna come out of nowhere?"

"Oh, a carnival's in town today!" Eda yelled out, holding a letter from the mail, leaving Luz dumbfounded.

"I did not see that coming."

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