Chapter 15

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There she was the mistress who was under manipulated and controlled by Gualtiero like a puppet on the strings wrapped around his fingers as what he planned all along from the very beginning to tame his little brother and be on his side to end the race of humanity.

"You'll be look more stunning once you're with master's arms."One of the female stuff said to (Y/n) as she started doing her hairstyle.

Even (Y/n) was under manipulated and controlled by Gualtiero.She could still see the sight of her own but not in the conscious to move neither to utter any single word.She was all dressed up from head to toe her dress were indeed elegant and expensive just by the looks through the huge mirror in front of her.The long red gown reached into her toes sparkling and rubies surrounded it and the jewelries were also match with the color red.The necklace were shaped like a teardrops,the earrings were shaped into crescent moon ones and the ring engrave with the ruby gemstone.

Her make up wasn't that much darker and heavy it was just simple her eye shadow was light pink,her cheeks were match with her skin tone,her lips were like cheery ones and she wore mascaras.Her hairstyle was finally done and it was a beach wavy one and for the final touch the female stuff wore her the silver with red ruby glass crystal tiara.

"You're not just indeed stunning,you're--"The female stuff was cut off when Gualtiero showed up out of nowhere embracing (Y/n) from the back on her waist.

"You're delightful.."Gualtiero said as he give a warm smile to (Y/n) through the mirror which (Y/n) gives him a simple pat on the head.

"Is everything done for my mistress?"Gualtiero asked as the female stuff nodded her head in respond which pleased Gualtiero.

"Give us some moment time alone."Gualtiero requested as the female stuff went out leaving the two all alone on the room as a grin forms into Gualtiero's lips as she grab (Y/n)'s chin gently which (Y/n) face him with a blank expression.

"I wanted to kiss your cherry lips,but I should not be impatient,aren't I? Looks like you're prince charming Cadis won't be coming..He won't be right on time to find us out here,love."Gualtiero said as he leave a kiss on (Y/n)'s hand which she didn't feel any emotions on it just a blank one.

"And then when you're finally under mine you're going to be living luxurious."Gualtiero said as he placed another kiss to her other hand and leaves the room leaving (Y/n) all alone on the room.


Everything was all settled for the main venue of the place for both Gualtiero and (Y/n).The chandeliers were being light into crimson ones,the red carpet was there from the door throughout to area where the right spot would the ceremony starts,stuffs were all around the area so as the security,foods were all set along with the main drink.

IN YOUR ARMS {C.Raizel x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now