Chapter 10

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"But Master! Are you sure about this?"Frankenstein said as I stopped at my tracks and looked at him.

"Frankenstein,don't worry things will work out soon."I said as I made my way out of the room and take ready to leave any minute heading towards to the Lukedonia.

After hearing what Frankenstein and Regis just said that Seira went back to Lukedonia by the lord's request that Rael has one of the Kertia clan I don't have anymore doubt where (Y/n) could be I'm definitely sure she was also taken from that message that Rael showed to Seira to make her obey it.

Any of the messages under the lord's power of Lukedonia especially when a clan or a name of the clan has been mention from it is definitely being ordered or commanded by the lord's request and I won't also doubt about that Raskreia uses her power to make (Y/n) obey what the letter said from Rael even she's with it or against it.

'I'm sure Gejutel didn't told her,she found it by herself and even with the help of Rael too..I won't forgive them if they did anything bad to her,no matter what is it..'


After Frankenstein has settled all of the things that we needed he took care also of the plane that we're going to use to go to the Lukedonia with Regis on inside while those three modified humans where at the back getting ready to land anytime soon.

"Shouldn't we just walk instead of using this? They're going to see us using this thing!"Regis complained as I just take a sip from my tea.

"Don't worry Regis,Master has settled everything according to his plan on this--"Frankenstein was cut off when the plane started shaking off.

"W-Why are we shaking!?"Regis worriedly said.

"We should go now and land down before it crashes along us."I said as I stood up and went to the front getting ready to land out from the plane to the ground of the area.

"W-We're going to crash!?"He said as I heard Frankenstein sighted.

"Just come now,Regis."He said as I landed first before they trailed behind after me.


I could tell that Regis was now in action by fighting the royal guards whom probably already sense that were on the move as Frankenstein was with me to go to the secret room where the previous lord of Lukedonia himself give me the half of his soul weapon.

"Is this what I think it is?"Frankenstein spoke as I sighted.

"Yes,it is..It's kind of troublesome to have it around anymore it keeps bugging me.."I said as I took it.

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