Chapter 16 (EDITED)

Start from the beginning

Upon arrival, he headed towards the Shie Hassaikai compound. He carefully surveyed the area and spotted a guard, along with someone who seemed oddly familiar. It was Hari Kurono, one of Kai's right-hand men. Izuku approached them with a friendly smile, but the guard immediately stepped in his way

"Who are you?" they questioned.

"I would like to meet Chisaki Kai," Izuku smiled.

"And why would you think he would grant you an audience?" Hari asked.

"Oh, he will," Izuku smirked.

"Why do you think that?" Hari raised an eyebrow.

"Eri..." Izuku mentioned her name, and Hari's eyes widened. He quickly covered his mouth.

"Not another word," Hari glared. "Bring him to the guest room while I call Overhaul."

Izuku was then guided to the main room, where Kai's most trusted associates were gathered. He noticed the smallest person in the room, recalling that his quirk involved making people confess the truth.

Before long, Kai appeared with Hari trailing behind him.

"This is the kid who knows about Eri?" Kai asked, his tone laced with suspicion.

"Yes," Izuku replied with an innocent smile.

"I could kill you right now since you somehow managed to find out our secret, but seeing as you want to meet me, it means you want to negotiate," Kai stated.

"Something like that," Izuku acknowledged. "I mean, your experiments on a little kid for her quirk, one that can destroy quirks, would incite a riot among heroes, villains, and even citizens."

Kai narrowed his eyes.

"Shin," Kai called.

"Roger," the small man responded, activating his quirk. "Who are you?"

Izuku simply sat there, smiling. He was growing tired of the act.

"I ask again, WHO ARE YOU?" Shin insisted.

Instead of giving a direct answer, Izuku yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Why doesn't my quirk work on you?" Shin inquired, and Izuku looked smug.

"That's because I have a quirk disability. It means that anyone who tries to use their quirk on me will find it ineffective," Izuku explained.

This piqued Kai's interest.

"What a wonderful quirk," Kai hummed. "You would be a valuable asset to us, but it's unfortunate you know too much. I'm afraid your life ends here."

As Kai prepared to act, Izuku simply sighed and raised his hand in a stop sign. Kai immediately froze, his hand mere inches from Izuku's face. Izuku then took control of Kai's movements, gently guiding him back into his seat.

(If you watch Avatar The Last Air Bender , it's the same as when they use blood bending)

"How in the world did you do that?" Kai asked, astonishment evident in his voice. "I thought your quirk was Quirk Disability."

"I never said I had only one quirk," Izuku calmly replied.

"Even if you're a hybrid type, your quirk is two different things. It doesn't match. Unless you're All For One," Hari interjected, his tone skeptical.

(I do hope you understand what I meant)

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Izuku Midoriya, son of AFO and Jade Hunter," Izuku revealed.

This revelation left them speechless for two distinct reasons, and they found themselves unsure of how to react. AFO was a notorious villain, known throughout the world. Jade Hunter, on the other hand, was their idol. The Yakuza, those who had been rejected by society, had looked up to her. She was their symbol of hope, their hero. When she had vanished, it had felt like their only chance for a better world had disappeared with her. However, they held onto the belief that she would return someday.

"That sounds unbelievable, but there's no other explanation for you having multiple quirks," Kai conceded. "But how in the world did those two end up together?"

"First of all, I want to be alone with Chisaki," Izuku said with a sudden shift in his demeanour. Kai narrowed his eyes, clearly unsettled by the change in attitude.

The rest of the Yakuza members were outraged at the idea of leaving their boss alone with a kid they had just met. They knew their boss was strong, but they couldn't bear the thought of abandoning him. Seeing Izuku's unwavering determination, Kai instructed the others to leave. They reluctantly left.

As soon as they departed, Izuku hurried towards Kai, startling him. Using his blood manipulation quirk, Izuku immobilized Kai, preventing him from moving or speaking. Kai glared at Izuku, who then touched his head, causing his hand to glow. Gradually, Kai's memories from his future self began to flow into him.

When Izuku finally released him, Kai was left panting heavily on the floor. Izuku watched him nervously, wondering how he would react. The memory of his impending death flashed through his mind again.

After processing everything, a shocked Kai hugged Izuku tightly, and Izuku returned the embrace. Tears streamed down both of their cheeks.

"I'm sorry you had to see me die," Kai said. "That must have been rough for you."

"I miss you," Izuku sobbed even harder.

Once they calmed down, Kai removed his mask and carried Izuku in his arms from the front. Izuku allowed him to do as he pleased and rested his head on Kai's shoulder.

 Izuku allowed him to do as he pleased and rested his head on Kai's shoulder

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(Like this..but imagine Izuku head on the shoulder)

"I wanna see Eri," Izuku mumbled.

"Okay," Kai whispered, placing a tender kiss on Izuku's head.

The other Yakuza members simply gazed at their boss in astonishment as they came out from the room. They couldn't believe their eyes. Kai was smiling, and his happiness appeared genuine, a stark contrast to their typical experiences with him.


Eri trembled on her bed as the door opened. She instinctively covered herself, her mind filled with the terror of returning to the laboratory. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to stifle her sobs. She stopped for a moment when she heard a soft, gentle voice calling her name.

"Eri," Izuku said in a soothing tone as he patted her gently. She flinched at the sudden contact, her small form trembling in fear. Izuku sent a stern look in Kai's direction, who averted his gaze in guilt. He knew it was time to restore her memory. He felt remorseful for her suffering, but he also knew it would only last for a minute.

"W-what?" the four-year-old stammered in confusion, staring at her small hand. "Why is my hand so small?"

"Hello, Eri," Izuku said, tears streaming down his face. "Right now, you're alive."

"Daddy? Papa?" Eri hesitantly asked, tears spilling from her eyes as she gazed at Izuku and Kai. "How am I alive?"

Izuku proceeded to explain everything, and Eri clung to him, unwilling to let go. She even climbed onto his lap to ensure he wouldn't leave her side. Kai then asked if Izuku and Inko would be willing to stay with them. Izuku agreed and promptly informed his mother, who had no objections and believed it might be better for them all.

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