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3rd Person Pov

Mount Olympus, The Throneroom (Past... after Thaila became a tree)

The 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses, Hades was there(It was winter solstice). And you guessed it! There were a few arguments, seeing the meeting hasn't started yet.

Hephaestus and Ares were arguing over Aphrodite,

"You cheated on me again!" (Guess who)

Yep! You know it, Hera was yelling at Zeus for cheating, Poseidon and Athena were arguing over Athens, Apollo was telling Artemis how he was the oldest twin, and Artemis was completely ignoring what he was saying and telling him to stop trying to get one of her hunters to fall for him.

And then there is Demeter who was telling Hades to eat more cereal. Hestia was tending the flames. And Dionysus...

Anyway It quite ended like this

"Apollo would you stop flirting with my hunters"
"Poseidon! Would you shut up!"
"Can't you cut my punishment for a while Father? I hate babysitting those brats"
"No thanks Owl Face"
"Sis! Your hunters are absolutely miserable not being able to date me"
"Two Children from one mother!!! Zeus!!"
"Fish brain!"

All of a sudden, five books fell on Athena's lap. "Ow!"She yelled. Then a note fluttered down onto Hestia's lap.
"Why does she get the note? I'm the goddess of Wisdom" Athena complained.

Hestia ignored Athena and started reading the note,

Dear Confused Gods and Goddesses of Olympus,
I sent this letter because of a demigod, who is the greatest hero of all time. The world outside is frozen, I will send some more other demigods. Have them introduced because you don't know them yet. Do not harm any of the heroes.
Singed the fates

P.S. Apollo, The most amazing god
P.S.S. Summon, Hercules, and tell the future demigods coming not to harm Hercules.

Zeus snapped his fingers and Hercules appeared in front of them.
"Why did you summon me, Father?" Asked Hercules
And Athena explains that they were going to read about the greatest demigod of all time.

"Obviously the books are about me," He said (Bruh I hate him and i know his persona isn't like this in the book but i just hate him 🤷🏽‍♀️)

Right then there was a bright light and a boy about 16 with Windswept black hair, Sea green eyes appeared. Looking confused and annoyed at the same time as if this happened all the time)

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