A Bright Light

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Percy Pov

  I was in my cabin with Annabeth. We were going to see the...Ummm...(Some buildings which Annabeth wanted to see). Annabeth was ranting on about its facts. I wasn't listening, I was thinking about the second great prophecy( He had a very bad feeling that Annabeth and he were included in that prophecy even tho Chiron said prophecies could be made thousands of years before the event actually happened.) and then: BANG BANG.  
     Someone was pounding on my door, I knew by now that was my Black Pegasus but still, I took Riptide out of my pocket (still in pen form) and Annabeth took out her knife. I crept to the door, flung open the door, and found what I expected Blackjack. 
    Annabeth sighed in relief and raised her eyebrows at the pegasus in front of the cabin door and sat on the bed. Boss, Sea friends need your help...Are there any doughnuts for me? Blackjack asked
     I sighed... seriously by now you would have thought they knew how to free themselves.
Blackjack was supposed to be in the stables but he never even goes there
   "Seems your friends need some help?" Said Annabeth
She kissed my cheek and, I went with blackjack.
 I had that weird feeling something was about to go wrong.
   Before we even reached the beach there was a bright light it engulfed me and when the light was no more, I was at Olympus. What the HADES! Now what... Why did the gods summon us now?

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