I'm really bad at this writing thing huh?

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Dear brave reader,

If someone somehow finds this, let me say my annual(?) thank you. I manage to come back to this website when I get the random emails letting me know someone interacted with this horrible piece of history. To this day I'm still hella impressed that people manage to find this pathetic excuse of a fanfic that middle school me thought would be cool to write. 

A little update on me, if y'all care to know, I'm just starting my sophomore year of college. That's fucking wild by itself. I started this shitshow the summer of 2015 when I didn't really have anything else going on. Looking back this was the pinnacle of "self insert" because damn, I didn't make the main character unique at all. For that I'm sorry but again, I was like 13 (ew) so I just wanted the self insert, didn't think anyone would read so there's that too.

If anyone at all still reads this or checks on it, that's some commitment that I wasn't prepared for. It means quite a lot to me every time I see it. I know my lack of updates might show otherwise but its a thing I promise. I know I personally moved onto AO3 for my reading (no new writing, don't worry) and I just kind of grew away from this place. Though this website does hold a lot of nostalgia and looking back I guess you could say I had a small audience with this story. I want to apologize to those who enjoyed and looked forward to this story. I know I hate when I read a story I like and it just never sees the light of day again, so my deepest apologizes.

It's certainly interesting looking back, seeing how many people had the same interest in Marks character Darkiplier as little old me did. Honestly don't think I could ever continue this as I don't have as strong of an interest towards Dark as I once did, trying to get back into it would be weird. 

Don't be too sad though! If enough people want I could try to come back and rewrite this, thing, that I did so long ago. Maybe touch it up, make it more universal for those reading, and just generally better(hopefully). I've read so many stories and amazing ones at that, that looking at this one as it stands is painful. 

With that, I'll check up on this a few times during the coming weeks and see if anyone is still here. I love you all, thank you for being on this hellish journey with me, and maybe I'll see some of you later. 

Darkness (Darkiplier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now