Chapter 22

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"I'm so sorry, I didn't know where else to go. I just needed some time to think," Ara said while she was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Ara, stop apologizing. Your our sister now. We're always going to be here for you whenever you need us," I said.

My heart was breaking for Ara. I can't believe my idiot of a brother. How can he be so callous.

"Ara, I don't know what to say..." Zarah said.

"There's nothing to say. He's still in love with his wife. I knew it even before I married him. But I thought... I thought... I could make him love me too..." She hiccuped.

"Ara I know this is hard to believe but I know he loves you too. He's just being a guy. And you know how guys are. Their clueless and stupid," I said.

She tried to laughed through her tears.

Then she looked at me and I felt my stomach drop at the devastation and agony in her eyes.

"I didn't think it could hurt this much. It hurts..." She sobbed as she fell in my arms and cried.

Zarah and I just held her. We held her as she cried. I have never seen anyone so broken the way Ara is now. I can't even begin to imagine the pain she must being through.

After what seemed like forever, Ara finally fell asleep from exhaustion. She's now laying down on the couch. Even in her sleep you can see the evidence of her pain on her cheeks where her tears have dried.

"She's devastated..." Zarah whispered.

I nodded. "I don't know how Massimo could do this to her. I can tell he loves her. I see it in his eyes. I see the way he looks at her..." I said.

"Me too. I think he's still feeling guilty about Cassie."

"Zar, Cassie has been gone for a long time. He grieved for her for a long time. Cassie wouldn't want him to live his life like this," I said.

"Yeah, but I kind of understand Massimo for feeling guilty. It's hard not to when you feel like you could have done something to prevent..."

I know what Zarah is talking about and I cut her off.

"Zar. Stop. What happened to Esme wasn't your fault. You didn't know. You said so yourself. When she married her husband, she moved away to be with him. She became distant. You couldn't have known. She was miles away from you. Zarah none of it was your fault," I said.

She nodded. "But knowing that doesn't make the feelings go away, Ellie," she said.

I guess she's right. I can't claim to know how it feels to feel helpless. To feel responsible for sow thing that was out of your control.

"I'm sorry Zarah. You're right I don't know how it feels, but Zarah I love you. You're my sister. I've seen first hand how nasty guilt is. With you and then with Massimo, I just don't want you guys to go back to the way you guys were before. You both have come so far to finally be living your lives again. I just..."

"Oh, Ellie," Zarah said as she hugged me tightly. "I understand. Trust me, I'm at peace now with what happened. I'm just saying that i can understand where our brother is coming from. It doesn't make what he did right, but I understand. And with Esme, it just makes me sad, that's all. I don't blame myself anymore," she said.

I nodded.

A couple hours later, Ara woke up and insisted to go back home. She said, she didn't want Lia to wake up with her gone. She also didn't want her to know that down thing was wrong.

I can't help but admire her all over again. She's truly amazing.

Just wait till I get my hands on that brother of mine!


"Hi, Papà," I said when I answered my phone.

"Ellie, how's everything going over there?" He asked.

"Everything is fine Papà. But, Ara and Massimo..."

"I know. Your brother is here," he said.

"He is?" What? What is he doing there? He should be with Ara trying to fix things.

"Yes. I think this is for the best. They both need some time apart to think. They are both far too emotional to be able to have a sound conversation," he said.

I sighed. "I guess you are right."

"Don't worry Ellie, your brother is beating himself up already," my father said.

I chuckled. "Good. He deserves more than a beating for what he did," I said.

"Ellie..." My father started to say.

"You didn't see her face Papà," I said.

There was silence on the other end of the line. Then a very loud sigh. "You are right. She must be hurting. Let's just hope that they will resolve everything soon. They love each other, and that I am sure of, figlia."

"I really do hope so. She's good for Lia and Mass. She loves them both dearly," I said.

"Yes. She does. She's a gem."

"She is," I agreed.

"Anyways you say hi to your sister for me," he said.

"I will Papà."

"Te amo, mia figlia," he said.

"Te amo, Papà. Regards to mamma," I said n

"Sì," he said then ended the call.

I sighed in surprise.

Weird. He didn't mention anything about marriage at all.

I smiled.

I guess that's a good sign.


"Marco, thank you for seeing me," Dominic Anastasi said as he shook my hand and motioned for me to sit.

"I must say, Zio. This is a surprise," I said.

He chuckled. "Well, I've got a proposition for you and I figured I would present it to you in person. When you told me you were here for business, I decided to take the opportunity to meet with you," he said.

I smiled and nodded. "So, what is it Zio. What is your proposition?"

He laughed. "Always straight to business. Very well. I've heard that you are interested in acquiring MI. Is that correct?"

"Yes, but I was told it was already sold," I said.

"Yes. That's correct. I was the one who bought it," he said.

I was stunned speechless. ""

"Yes. I know that you've been trying for weeks now to find out who bought it. I hope you'll forgive me for the secrecy, but I wanted it that way. I wanted to get all the information I need first," he said.

"What information?"

"Information on why you want MI and why you hold such a grudge against the Maretti's."

I stiffened. Did he find out? If so, how much does he know? And where is this meeting going to?

"Relax, Marco. I know what Leandros did to your grandfather and I also know that your father died trying to avenge what happened to his father. I also know that you have taken responsibility in making sure that you finish what your father has started against the Maretti's. I know that you're the reason for their financial trouble. I know that you've made business for them hard through out the past years since you took over as CEO of Castellanos Enterprises since your father's passing."

"Zio, where is this conversation going to? I really don't want a trip down to memory lane." I said.

He nodded in understanding. "I will give you MI," he said and I looked at him in surprise. "On one condition," he added.

"Anything," I said immediately.

"I want you to marry my daughter, Ellie."

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