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noun ~ the end of the life of a person or organism

TW; Blood/Gore

The she-wolf before did not hesitate before the bones in her body began to crack. She shook out deep brown fur, the rising moon catching the glint of black streaks down her back. The crowd fell silent, awaiting a fight of the century.

Once she was steady on her four paws, we lowered our heads in sync and waited for the start command. I kept my breathing even, focusing on myself and no one else around me. I could feel the bonds of my pack, my mate and my brothers, but I pushed them all out and breathed deeply.

Are you ready for this Celimene? I asked.

'Ready.' She growled.

"Commence!" The King shouted.

The she-wolf wasted no time in her attack, charging at me at full speed. I jumped over her form, startling her as I grasped her tail end in my teeth. She skidded to a stop in my previous place and I watched with satisfaction as she snapped her teeth at me. I had irritated her already.

I'm stronger than you think, I thought to myself.

The wolf's hackles raised and she bowed her head, her tongue licking at her sharp canines. They glinted in the moonlight, her deep brown eyes showing the brightness of the moon behind me. I growled lowly, bowing my head in acceptance of the fight. She wasted no time and charged, her claws scraping up the dirt in her haste.

She leapt from a few feet away and tried to grab onto my flank with her teeth but I barreled my head into her neck and forced her away. As she hit the floor, I dived for her and clawed my paws into her side. She rolled, kicking me away and scraping at my dense fur. She snarled as I swiped my claw along her leg, pulling the skin apart. Fresh blood glinted in the moonlight, dripping dark patches into the dirt.

She kicked me in the stomach which caused me to stumble but it allowed her a moment to get to her feet. Despite being wobbly she charged for me, her teeth sinking into my leg. I let out a startled yelp as she shook at my front leg before releasing it and aiming for my neck. I snapped my teeth and spun out of the way. Digging my jaw into her back, I broke through her skin and pulled. Successfully heaving her from the ground, I threw her with all my might and growled in satisfaction when she fell into a heap on the ground.

I spat out the fur and skin from my jaws, Cel pleased with her now gushing injury. My leg was sore, and I could feel Pollux pushing in my mind, trying to comfort me with his words. I wouldn't let him in, this was my fight, even Phoenix had stayed silent.

The she-wolf shakily tried to get to her feet, growling as she haphazardly ran towards me. I charged toward her and we collided in a heap of fur. Claws sunk into flesh, fur flew and growls filled the air. I had risen onto my hind legs to counteract her fight and as she dived for my stomach, I drove my front paw into her spine with all my weight.

It cracked and she whined, faltering in her movements. With Cel by my side, I took my chance on her hesitation. I locked my jaw around her neck and threw her over me. She fell onto the dirt, a high-pitched scream leaving her throat. She was panting heavily, and despite being heavily injured with a broken spine, she stared at me with so much anger, so much hatred.

I stalked my way over, my head low and gums pulled back in a snarl. She dared to fight me for what was mine, and I was sure as hell going to make sure that I was victorious. I stood over her now, her paws desperately trying to hold their ground but she only caused herself more pain. She glared at me with so much hatred, not an ounce of fear on her face.

Lost LunaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora