
Yoongi grabbed his hand again, holding it tightly.

"Did you really forget about me Jimin? Did you really stop loving me? I don't believe that you would give your heart entirely to that savage."

"Someone who wants to destroy your family! Can't you see what's happening?"

Jimin could hardly believe what he was hearing. The guts of this guy was making him sick to his stomach.

"I'd choose that Savage over my family any day!"

Yoongi stared at him in disbelief. Jimin went on.

"Besides, whose fault was it? Who was the one who cheated on me with my own brother? Who was the one who ended our engagement?"

He sighed. "You are clearly having some psychological issues because I have no idea why you would bring up the past now"

Yoongi let him go for a brief moment, lowering his eyes and looking absolutely miserable.

"Because I regret it" He whispered. " I never should have left you. I made the biggest mistake of my life treating you the way I did"

"Please Jimin, tell me that I still have a chance"

Jimin removed his face, totally infuriated.

"It's too late. You have no chance with me anymore because I do not love you. I buried every feelings I ever had for you. Locked it away and threw away the key!"

"Stop acting delusional and get me the hell out of here so I can go see my husband"

Yoongi's face twisted bitterly. He stood up with rage, reached for the chandelier standing on top of a drawer and smashed it to the ground. Jimin was scared out of his mind seeing Yoongi's blood shot eyes as pieces of glass scattered around the floor.

"I'm not going to give up! I'm going to make sure that I completely eradicate Taehyung from your life"

He smirked. "But if that proves futile, then I'm just going to kill him and take you by force! You'll eventually be mine Jimin. I can assure you of that"

He marched out of the room in extreme anger locking the door soundly behind him. As soon as he was gone, Jimin broke down. He couldn't believe what was happening. How did he end up in such situation and how did Yoongi suddenly become so unrecognizable. His entire family was in on the plan to kill Taehyung after figuring out the truth about his identity. Now more than ever, he hated that he was a member of his family. He curled himself into a ball and wailed silently thinking about Taehyung.

Jin stood in front of the officer looking pale.

"Please let me just see my brother. He needs a doctor to attend to him"

"No doctor is allowed from outside. We will get the prison doctor to attend to him" The police officer said with a non- chalant behavior on his face.

Jin heaved looking frustrated. "But it has already been hours. He's not supposed to be here. He's meant to be in the hospital right now"

The police man didn't even look at him. "Sorry. Directives from the higher ups"

"I'm going to sue this station!" Jin yelled.

The police man smirked. "You can go ahead and try!"

Jin could clearly see this was a ploy orchestrated by the Parks. He sighed and managed to get himself calm.

"I'm Kim Taehyung's legal lawyer and I demand to see my client"

The police man rolled his eyes. Then signaled to a lieutenant standing at a corner. The man led Jin to the waiting room. Jin waited for a while before a frail figure was dragged inside. Head bandaged with a dirty cloth. Blood stains stuck to his collar.

Jin wanted to run and hug him but a huge glass separated them.

"What did they do to you in here? He cried as Taehyung sat opposite him. He smiled.

"Hyung, don't you know me? I'm as tough as nails. I won't die easily"

"This is too much. The Parks are ruthless. I can't believe these are the same people we wanted to forgive"

"It doesn't matter hyung. I'll outlive them. I won't let them kill me. I have a lot to protect."

He suddenly looked worried. "How's Jimin?"

"Yoongi has him"

Seeing Taehyung's disillusioned expression, Jin immediately added. "Don't worry. We'll do everything we can to get him back"

"No.... Leave him there. Yoongi might have gone crazy but I doubt he will hurt Jimin"

Jin nodded. True but what about Jungkook? Do you think Jimin is safe with Jungkook?"

After hearing that, Taehyung was lost for words. He didn't know why but he suddenly became scared.


Jimin didn't know when he had fallen asleep. When he woke up, it was already evening and he was famished after starving himself the entire day. Surprisingly, there was a tray in front of him with freshly prepared food then a voice spoke.

"Eat up. You must be very hungry"

Jimin looked up and saw Jungkook looking straight at him from the opposite direction. Jimin immediately sat upright.

"Kookie! My brother. You are the only one that can help me" Jimin cried.

"I know we haven't been in good terms but we are still brothers. You're the only one I can trust now"

Jungkook smirked. "Really? When you've taken everything away from me?"

He shook his head. "First, Taehyung and now Yoongi my husband has gone crazy over you. He regrets marrying me now!"

"My life is in shambles because of you and now you want me to help you?"

"You must be going crazy" He muttered. Jimin didn't know what to say.

Jungkook continued. "You were so confident back then, running your mouth at me now look where you've ended up"

Then he smiled smugly.

"I plan to take back everything you took from me. I plan to take it all back"

"So the only good thing I can do for you is to make sure you are well fed so Yoongi doesn't make a fuss and you don't end up dying on us"

"So eat!" He ordered.

"And die slowly" He thought to himself watching as Jimin took the food with shaky hands and started to eat as tears rolled down his eyes. Jungkook had thought long and hard about how to put everything back on track and after so much pondering, he finally realised his solution. He had to uproot his problem and his major problem was Jimin. As long as the latter was alive, he could never get his heart desire. He didn't care about Yoongi but he couldn't stand Jimin having something that belonged  to him. As for Taehyung, he would be unable to let him go. Killing Jimin was his only option. As he watched Jimin down the poisoned food, he smiled feeling a small hint of remorse in his heart.

"I'm sorry brother but I can only truly live if you're gone"

Thanks for reading this heart wrenching chapter. Till the next one.

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