Chapter 21 : Lots of Smooches

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gosh that's terrible, how can we cure it?" I gasped dramatically.

"I need to sleep all day and cuddle with you otherwise my brain will stop working and I'll have a seizure."

I wish I could but I had college today. Sigh.

Humming, I lightly scraped my fingers against his shoulder blades, neck and scalp, lulling him to sleep. It was pretty easy to get him to sleep just scrape your fingers against his scalp or shoulder and he was out like light. A trick that was quiet useful to me most of the times when he was being extremely clingy.

Stopping my actions once his light snores was heard, I slipped out quietly from under him. Immediately he started searching for me, his face set in a scowl. Silently, I dragged my pillow to him and he immediately hugged it close to his chest, sniffing it a few times and he sighed in contentment. I knew spraying my perfume on my pillow was useful.

In a way it was funny seeing a big man cuddling a pillow to his chest like a baby. Cutie.

Bending down, I kissed him twenty five times all over his face as I had promised and I felt my heart beat faster as he smiled into my pillow.

Ugh. I just wanted to stay here forever. Damn you classes.

Quickly trudging into to his kitchen, I whisked up some dark chocolate pancakes- something he's obsessed with- and also some black coffee which I stored in the flask. You'd think that all beautiful boys will know how to cook and all like we see in books and dramas.

They're lying.

Azrael can burn water. Literally. I have experienced it the one time he decided it was a good idea to make me my favourite coffee, long story short I came in to find him trying to put out the fire and was awarded with a sheepish grin as if we weren't just about to be cooked like kebabs.

Shoving some pancakes into my mouth, my eyes fell on my chunky thighs. I should probably not eat this.......but you know what? Screw that. I'm a voluminous bitch.

Thick thighs saves lives people!

I glanced at the clock, 8:50 AM.



I have class at 9?!



Shoving some more pancake, I stumbled around the living room trying to find my bag and books. Yeah, the dude had kidnapped me straight after class yesterday.

After leaving a post it note on the fridge for him just in case he wakes up and freaks out, I stumbled to the door hitting my knee multiple time here and there.

I'm so talented that I can even trip on air.

I jogged to the entrance and I saw Mel waiting there for me.

"Howdy bestie!" I chirped

She turned towards me, her lips twitching into a smile but slowly her eyes trailed up my face and she burst out laughing. Like the whole holding stomach, tears in eyes laughing.


Is there chocolate on my face?

Spider maybe?

Ooh maybe it's my morning face.....

"Did you not look in the mirror before coming?" She spluttered

"No....why?" I asked curiously.

She laughed and fished out her phone from her jacket and turned her front camera towards me. I looked at it and gasped because on my forehead and cheeks were written the words,

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