VI. Critical Information

Start from the beginning

He wondered who "Cliff" was. Was it a mere coincidence that someone chose that name, or was someone after Cliff's previous secret discoveries?

• Illumi •

As soon as Illumi completed his phone call with his father and Milluki, Akari had abruptly shot up out of her chair, mumbling about talking to one of her most reliable sources.

Illumi didn't bat an eye. After all, he was working with a Crime Hunter, whose job was to investigate all kinds of crimes. It was a requirement to establish reliable sources in order to get her job done.

He wondered who her source was. Normally, he'd find the source, get rid of the middle man, and proceed to set up a relationship with the source. It was always under the guise of being entrusted by the dead to take over for them. This allowed him to be more efficient.

"Ahh, whatever." He didn't want to break the conditions Akari had set. If he wanted this to work out, he couldn't kill her. Not only that, he had other missions in mind, and he could use her for those, too. A dead source couldn't be a reliable source.

• Kurapika •

Kurapika looked down at his watch.

9:07. Weird.

Akari didn't strike him as the type of person to arrive late. She likely would have tried to communicate something to him. He decided to wait until 9:15, just in case.

When Akari still hadn't shown up by 9:15, Kurapika started to feel worried. Not only did their conversation get interrupted yesterday, but Akari didn't even show up this morning. What was going on?

Just then, a waitress walked up to the table. "Are you Kurapika?"

"Yes, I am." Kurapika gave his full attention to the waitress.

"Someone named Akari just called and asked us to let you know she wouldn't be able to meet with you. She said she had an emergency to tend to." The waitress waited for some kind of confirmation from Kurapika showing he got the message.

"Oh." Kurapika looked away. "Thanks, I guess." His shoulders slumped.


The waitress walked away, leaving Kurapika wondering what the heck was going on. Something didn't feel right. Was Akari okay? Was there anything he could do to help her?

He recalled the morning before when she had walked into the cafe looking somewhat disheveled and very distraught. He wasn't one to meddle in personal affairs, but the poor girl seemed like she could use intervention. If only he could find her.

• Akari •

Ging sure is taking his sweet time, Akari thought. It had been three days since she spoke with him.

Ging was a reliable source in terms of information, but his reliability sunk when it came to keeping his word. Didn't he say to wait for a couple of days? Akari wouldn't be able to stay in the city much longer. She needed to return soon, especially after leaving Kurapika so abruptly. He would definitely have questions.

While she was still thinking about this, she received a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, I was able to get your number from someone at the library. Is everything okay?

Akari: Sorry, who is this?

Unknown: I'm so sorry. That should've been the first thing I should've mentioned 🤦‍♂️ This is Kurapika.

Akari: All's good. Sorry to leave you like that. Something came up the night before, and I had to leave town.

Unknown: No worries. Just wondering if you're okay. Let me know when it would be a good time to meet again. No rush though.

Akari: I will. Thank you 😊

Unknown: 👍

Akari breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed Kurapika wasn't mad at her but rather worried for her safety. What a relief!

An internal battle ensued. Should she continue to wait for Ging or go home? If she left now, Ging could potentially have a difficult time relaying information to her. If she waited, she would be wasting time.

"Ah, screw this." Akari packed her belongings and made sure she wasn't leaving anything behind in the hotel room. She checked out of her hotel room, which Ging had graciously paid for. It was acts like these that reminded her of her dad. She missed him so much.

Akari decided to visit an old cafe, one that she and her dad would frequent during his missions near this city. She just wanted to drink some tea in peace.

• Ging •

Ging rushed to the hotel where Akari was staying. He had learned a few details that needed to be shared with her as soon as possible. He stopped at the front desk and asked for her room number.

The hotel attendant checked, then looked up at the requestor. "I'm sorry, sir. It seems she just checked out about an hour ago."

What? I asked her to wait! Ging was a bit mad now. Where could she have gone? The information he had for her was of utmost importance.

He began to think of all the places Akari could be at, since this city was basically her second home. Ging, Cliff, and Akari had spent so many days stationed here. He considered her hobbies and favorite things. She liked tea, visiting art galleries, and site seeing. She also loved reading and writing, which led her to spend so much time at the local libraries and cafes.

Cafes. That's right! The one by the riverbank was her favorite. Ging figured he would take a moment to confirm whether she was there.

And she was.

She was so engrossed in her novel that she didn't notice when Ging sat down before her. "Akari."

"Hmm?" Akari glanced above her book. Ging's sudden arrival startled her. "Oh, Ging! I was just about to leave today since you hadn't gotten back to me yet."

"I figured." He took a sip out of Akari's teacup. "Listen, I found out who Cliff is."

"No way! Already?!"

"Yeah, but you're not gonna like it. I don't know who your business friend is, but I'd say you just got yourself into a deeper mess."

Akari seemed conflicted. It seemed she didn't know if she wanted the information after all. "I see," she sighed. "Go ahead."

"First things first. This a she." He paused, taking in Akari's astonishment. "And she happens to be your missing mother."

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