The Legend Of The Gobblewonker

Start from the beginning

"Ahh, Mabel stop that!" Dipper wheezed, trying to catch his breath. 

"Yeah, Mabel that is kind of disgusting and repulsive, but you know what since you are doing this to Dipper, I will allow it."

"Hey!" Dipper protests, his short respite interrupted by Mabel again and shortly afterwards, he bursts into another laughing fit.

"Ok I think that's enough, you should stop now before he gets an aneurysm."

"Fine, fine. You guys are no fun," Mabel pouts. "And Magnus, quit being dorky and please speak in English."

I pinch the bridge of my nose in exasperation just as Stan makes an entrance into the kitchen. "Good morning, knuckleheads. You three know what day it is?"

"Um... Happy anniversary?" Dipper asked, his voice laced with uncertainty, still helping himself to generous gulps of air. 

"Mazel tov!" Mabel shrieked.

"Family fun day?" I suggested innocently, deciding to play along and not even realising what I had just said.  'Oh no. Wait, never mind, come to think of it, it was just a minor slip up.'

Stan looks over at me, his eyebrows arched in confusion. "Wait, how did you know?" 

"Eh, it was just a hunch," I shrug, somehow managing to maintain my indifferent facade when my mind was going into a frenzy.

Stan himself shrugs, waving off and disregarding what I had said earlier. "Anyway, today is the day, we're gonna have some family fun, ya know bond together for a day!" 

"Uhhh," was all I could say, looking over at the twins in uncertainty, the twins returning me the same look in reply.

"Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?"

"Me!" the twins shouted in unison.

Dipper, the more intelligent of the twins looks at me, our eyes locking, both of us wearing a wary look that conveyed our suspicions.  

I feel myself snapping back to reality, Dipper doing so as well after we break off eye contact. "Wait, what?"

'Cue the legendary theme song!'

Both of us were not given a choice by Stan in that regard because before we could utter another word, he slips blindfolds on for us without our explicit authorisation. Stan then leads us to his car (I definitely didn't knock into several walls on my way there) and before we know it, we were speeding off in a car. 

Time Skip

"Stan, could you drive a little slower? We might get into an accident if you continue driving this quickly," I warn, doing my utmost to get him to drive slower but the elderly man disregards my statement, continuing to drive at speeds that would probably even exceed the speed of sound.

The car suddenly hits a bump and I instinctively grab Dipper and Mabel's hands since I was in the middle of the lot.

Dipper squeezes my hand to reassure me, asking Stan a question he should have asked a lot sooner. "Whoa! Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?" 

"Nah, but with these cataracts, I might as well be. What is that, a woodpecker?" I assume Stan drives through a wooden guardrail as he does in the show because my ears tell me so, the car bumping into several other objects on its way there as well, making all of us scream in fright. When the car finally comes to a screeching halt, I let out a sigh of relief, as do the twins. I release my grasp on the twins' hands, blood and adrenaline still coursing through my veins. 

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