Chapter 20

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Halloween night.

Under normal circumstances, you considered it to be your favourite holiday, loving the creepy atmosphere that came with it.

But now? Now you couldn't shake off your nervousness.

You were staring in front of the body-length mirror in your room, letting out a heavy breath through your nose as you pursed your lips and look over your costume one more time.

A cute, ruffled black and white dress with a few holes in it here and there, as well as a couple of fake bloody handprints and a small cape with a slightly high collar attached to the back.

The vampire look is what you had gone for, but the only thing really reminding you of a vampire was the set of fangs that came with it, the tips of which you had dyed red to make it a little bit more convincing.

To finish your look, you added a light layer of powder to lighten your complexion, and styled your hair into waves and pinned it to one side.

You pressed your hands to your face, trying to coax yourself into not feeling the amount of dread you were about going to this party.

The only reason your mom was letting you go was because of Sidney who, by some miracle, you managed to convince to come with you.


Jack-o'-lanterns burned and grinned at you with eyes and mouths made of fire at the sides of the streets that flashed by you as you stared through the passenger's window.

Skeletons hanging from the trees swayed back and forth in the autumn wind that carried some dead leaves, blowing them onto the windshield.

Dewey's car stopped by the curb of the street once the outlines of the Macher's residence came into view.

The house looked much more intimidating at night, the tall trees surrounding the property almost seeming twice as large with their shadows.

Moonlight peeked through the overcast sky and provided just enough light for you to see a few teenagers already lying passed out drunk on the front yard.

"Be careful girls," Dewey gave you both a weak but friendly smile as both of you stepped out. "Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Dewey."

You and Sidney walked up the path leading up to the front door, trying to avoid any cups or beer cans that littered the ground as you peeked around, glancing over at the many different costumes.

It seemed a lot of people opted for masks, creepy ones at that. Some were black with menacing horns, others were shades of red with scary teeth and looked fit for a horror movie.

The music had been turned up so high you swore the chandelier was shaking above you as you swiftly entered the house, finding your way to the kitchen which was crowded with people.

Stu always outdid himself when it came to throwing banger parties, so you didn't expect any less.

The next ten minutes you spent trying to find the host, but it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Sidney was telling you something about homework, but immediately stopped her sentence when her stare divertes from you and landed somewhere over your shoulder, her smile instantly dipping.

Your head turned around to view behind you at the sight of your boyfriend leaning up against the wall near the doorframe that lead into the living room.

Billy was dressed in his usual attire; jeans and a shirt. He didn't need to dress up to stand out.

Your eyes traced from his face, down to the curve into his strong shoulders as you couldn't help but admire his smooth and satiny skin.

Killer Instincts [✓] (Billy Loomis x F!Reader x Stu Macher)Where stories live. Discover now