Chapter 5

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The golden sunset sparked an orangey-red hue in the darkening sky as a light breeze blew against you, caressing the skin of your face ever so slightly. The soft rustling of the tree leaves flowed through the quiet neighbourhood as everyone had long entered their houses.

Everyone, except for you two.

Today had been a total catastrophe.

Not only were you bombarded with questions by a flock of news reporters the very second you set foot on the school grounds, you also had a brief encounter with Gale Weathers—who ended up getting familiar with the ground after Tatum punched her square in the nose after she made a nasty comment.

But that wasn't even the worst. Last night left you scarred. If you didn't know what heartbreak felt like before, you certainly did now. You just weren't able to erase the image of Billy Loomis being escorted out of your house by two police officers on his sides as he struggled against their hold. All he wanted to do was talk to you, swearing up and down that he had nothing to do with it.

The betrayal you felt couldn't be more fresh, but you're positive it couldn't compare to that of Sidney's. An immense sense of guilt crashed onto you as you stared at the girl, taking in her soft features. Her brown locks were a bit messy from the wind blowing them into random directions, and her cheeks burned red.

"You're... Sure you're not mad at me, right...?"

Sidney's usual vacant expression changed as she took your hand in hers to give it a reassuring squeeze. "No, of course not. If Billy really did it, he deserves to be in jail."

You grimaced.


For the umpteenth time today, you were stuck in your own mind where your own voice yelled back at you, driving you mad from the bottled up emotions and doubts that wanted to implode.

What if Billy didn't do it?

It was not the first time that boy got in trouble with authorities, far from it.

But those times weren't as serious as now. Now, he got accused of double homicide by you.

He must hate your guts now, you were sure of it. And while you normally wouldn't care less about what he thought of you...

For some reason, it ached your heart thinking about it.

"I believe you, (Y/N). Tatum said Dewey told her that they're checking up on his phone records," Sidney informed you, sensing your inner conflict. "I'm surprised you don't hate him more."

You nibbled down on your bottom lip as your eyebrows creased. You opened your mouth to speak, but quickly shut it again. You didn't hate Billy when he took you in his arms and uttered all kinds of words into your ear. Now that the fear had died off, there was a warmth inching its way up from your toes, all the way up to your cheeks.

It wasn't the first time you felt this way thinking about Billy, but the moments were scarce with him teasing the ever loving shit out of you but by now, you had grown used to it.

"I do," you lied in a nervous, quiet whisper. "But the look on his face... He looked hurt." That wasn't a lie. He really had appeared as if you'd punched him in the face with a brick. It was a big deal because Loomis always had this resting bitch face on wherever he went.

"Sorry.." You exhaled a hot breath of air that that steamed up in the cold air.

Continuing walking side by side with your friend, the crunch of the crisp leaves beneath your feet echoed through the woods. "I know me saying that doesn't make you feel any better–"

Killer Instincts [✓] (Billy Loomis x F!Reader x Stu Macher)Where stories live. Discover now