Derek carefully closes the book and lightly taps his fingers against the cover. "...I've been thinking about offering my bite to Erica." He said, cautiously with his words.

"Wait—" the son of the Sheriff whirled around in his spinning chair with surprise. "—seriously?" Derek nods his head. "Are you sure? It hasn't been like—a full one month since Isaac became your first Beta." He pointed it out.

The young Alpha sighed heavily. "I am aware of that... it's just, this Kanima... it's very strong and powerful than our pack. In order for this pack to become more powerful than the Kanima—is to have more Betas." He explained, solemnly.

Stiles pressed his lips together while process the information carefully. "...I guess if that's what you wanna do. You're the Alpha." Derek grunted in response. "But we need to plan this out carefully because we can't afford to freak Erica out." The young Alpha nods his head with understanding.

"Freak who what now?" Isaac returned with two bowls of butter popcorns and sodas with confusion. Stiles and Derek's exchanges glance then the human teen start to explain to the puppy about having a new Beta in Hale Pack.



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B.H. High School
Parking Lots
Next Day...

In the parking lots, the sleek black Camaro was parked near the school building as Derek leaning against his car with his hands in his leather jacket's pockets. His hazel gaze shifted up when he heard the familiar unique engine of Jeep approach. He easily spotted a baby-blue Jeep drives in the parking lots and parked underneath the shades. The young Alpha shoves himself away from his car, grabbed his backpack from the roof of the Camaro, and stride toward the Jeep.

Stiles and Isaac climbed out of the vehicle. The lanky teen locked his door and saw Derek heading toward them. "Hey, man." He greeted his friend as Isaac walked around the Jeep. "Scott not here?" Stiles observed around for his best friend. Derek just shook his head in response. "Okay. That's fine... we can wait for him."

"So..." Isaac empathizes the word out while adjusted the straps of his backpack on his shoulders. "...are we gonna ever figure it out this creature thing? I mean, we've been researching for days and it came up nothing." He pointed it out, bitter as he doesn't like having wasting time.

The lanky teen sighed while the young Alpha crossed his arms with his backpack hanging loose on his shoulder. "I don't know—all I can think is that we need—"

"Stiles." A voice behind him speaks up out of blue.

Stiles screech in girly shocked as Isaac flinched in surprise by a high-pitched scream while Derek closed his eyes as he tilted his head, attempt to control the loud ringing in his sensitive ears and Scott cringe with guilty. Stiles flailed around as he slammed his hand over his fast-beating heart. "What the hell?! Seriously?! I swear! Werewolves are out to get me." He hisses while clutches his chest with disapproved glares at sheepishly Scott.

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