Omega: Part I

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Stilinski's Residence
Stiles' Bedroom
A Week Later...

The lanky teen is researching through the internet of the werewolves and Alpha nonstop for hours as he is sitting on a spinning chair with a laptop on the desk. While Derek is laying on the bed, back on the headrest with a novel in his hands quietly. It's been a week since Peter gave the Alpha Spark to Derek, a week since Lydia was admitted to the hospital, and a week since Scott has been sneaking around with Allison behind her parents' back. And a week that Beacon Hills is still going crazy over about Kate Argent who was responsible one with Hale Fire as arsonist and murderer.

Luckily, Derek has Sheriff's orders for the reporters and paparazzi to stay away from him. Since Derek was the only survivor of the Hale family. If anyone dares to attempt to interview Derek, disturbed his peace, they will be sent to jail.

It was a good thing that Noah Stilinski cares about Derek since he did save the Sheriff and it also helped that he is a good friend with Stiles. And the best part was that deputies no longer have to watch over Derek from the anonymous fugitive. The young Alpha had to lie to Stiles' father about his "missing" was that he escaped from his kidnapper and was lost in the woods for a while. Whether the Sheriff believes it or not, at least Derek is now "free".

"Hey, Sourwolf." Derek lifted his head to Stiles with raise questioning eyebrows. "Okay, so far from what I've been researching... an Alpha need is to have a pack to stable its mind and power. Without a pack, you could become unstable and risk falls into a feral." Stiles explained as he spins his chair around with a concerned frown.

The young Alpha closed the novel with thoughtfulness. "...I guess that makes sense why Alpha needs a pack, but— I can't just go around and give random Bites to people. It's not right." He said, refuses to do since it sounded rather an irresponsible thing to do. "Not like..." he trailed off.

Stiles pressed his lips in a line, knowing what the brooding wolf tried to say. He doesn't want to bite innocent people like Uncle Peter did. "Well, since we can't exactly go around and ask. Werewolves are secrets to keep." He turns his spinning chair back and forth with contemplative. "From what I gathered when I learned about wolves... they have some kind of instinct to certain wolf's emotions. Like... when I read one of the articles, there was this female wolf who adopted a baby puppy that was abandoned by the owner. This wolf marked this puppy as part of her pack, despite that the puppy wasn't a wolf."

"What are you trying to say, Stiles?" Derek frowned, confused.

The lanky teen leaned forward. "What if, you try to focus on someone who has—needs for home, a place to belong in a pack, to be safe... then maybe you could offer your Bite to this person?" he suggested.

Derek hummed with contemplative. "So you are saying that I should try to save someone and give it a home in my pack?" Stiles nodded his head. "...I guess that isn't a bad idea, but that means we have to explain the werewolves exist." He pointed it out.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can convince this whoever your wolf chose to be part of your pack." Stiles assured Derek with a smile.

The young Alpha sighed. "I already have you and Scott, so I don't know why I should have more people in my pack." He grumbled.

Stiles' heartbeats skip happily when Derek said that he, Stiles Stilinski, is part of the young Alpha's pack, despite that he's a spaz lanky puny human being. "Well, for one, I'm human. Scott is a Beta who wasn't bitten by you, but your uncle. So, you need to have a Bite someone to settle your wolf's superior down."

Before Derek could respond, his head snapped up when he suddenly hears the shrill scream through the wind.

"What is it?" Stiles has used his werewolves' friends' reactions to certain actions.

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