Restraint: Part I

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Beacon Hills
Somewhere in the woods
Lookout Point — Night

Isaac made a disgusted face as his nose wrinkled with a repulse. "Nasty." He muttered as he glowered at the distance where the huntress' car parked. He is walking with Stiles as it was time to switch the night shift.

"What is it?" Stiles asked, curious as his whiskey-brown eyes glance at the puppy Beta. He steps over the dry leaves and twigs while rubbing his pale hands together, attempting to warm it up.

"Sex." Isaac blurted it out, unamused as he glares at the car. Stiles made a flat face, though he wasn't surprised since they're both a couple. Maybe they should've not paired a couple for the night shift.

Stiles turns his attention to the prison transport van. "Let's check on Jackson." He decided as he doesn't want to see what his best friend states with his secret girlfriend. Isaac happily accepted it as they turn to the van.

"Oh..." the son of Sheriff gap in horror while Isaac's brown eyes shifted to golden-yellow with soft growls. "That is not good."

The curly-haired werewolf immediately storms toward the car without caring about the possibility that the couple is naked or not. When Isaac arrived at the window, noticed Allison and Scott sleeping in perfect peace which made him snarled with frustration and disappointment.

Isaac is forced to control his wolf's strength as he pounds his hand against the window, jolting them both awake. Allison quickly covered her half-naked body with her shirt while Scott helped by putting his body to block whoever is looking at them.

They both saw Isaac's glowing eyes filled with furious, disappointment, and most of all, worried. "Get out. Now." He whirled around and stomped away.

Soon, Scott and Allison stare at the open doors in horror and anxiety. Stiles is inside the back of the van, bending down as he lifted the twisted and broken chains with a grave face. His whiskey-brown eyes scanned around and noted that Jackson's torn clothes are scattered around.

Isaac leaned against the door on his shoulder as his arms are crossed, shoulders tense and his eyes continuously glowing. He observed their surroundings with caution and suspicion.

The Kanima is out there, and it doesn't have a scent. Which makes everyone on edge and frightened.

Allison uttered, anxiously. "I have to tell my father." All eyes turned to her except Scott who stares at the wreckage, unable to even move. "Scott. He's going to kill someone." She insisted on her boyfriend.

"Tell him." Isaac speaks up, firmly.

Scott closed his eyes. "...Derek won't be happy about that." He tries to change the huntress' mind, but Isaac scoffed loudly.

"You don't know him. He is my Alpha. He will do anything to stop the Kanima. He will save Jackson, but first... he needs help if we're going to stop the Kanima. Argent has skills and they are hunters. They are trained to stop the supernatural creatures." Isaac explained, solemnly as his gaze remain to look out for the Kanima in the woods.

"And I have to tell mine too." Stiles speaks up, quietly as he put the broken chains down. He glances at his best friend who opens his eyes and stares at him silently shocked. "We need all the powers and strength to stop the Kanima. It's a very powerful supernatural creature."

Allison agreed with Stiles. "He's right. We're just a bunch of teenagers. We can't handle this alone." She steps closer to her boyfriend. "Scott..."

"This is all my fault." Scott sighed; shoulders slumped.

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