Shape Shifted: Part I

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Beacon Hills

Derek grabbed Scott who attempts to help the stray werewolf who got trapped by a tripwire, with hands lassoed above him. The young Alpha dragged Scott back and slammed him into a tree. The Beta jerked around and saw Derek who stared at him gravelly.

"W-what the hell?" Scott spluttered in shock.

The young Alpha shush the Beta and jerked his head at the area where the werewolf trapped. Scott frowned and struggled against Derek. "Let me go! I can help him!"

"Shut up!" Derek hisses exasperatedly. "They're already here—"

Scott shakes his head frantically. "No! I can help—"

"Quiet!" Derek commanded sternly which Scott snapped his jaw shut, much to both of their surprises. Then the werewolves jerked their heads when they hear the movement, boots crushing leaves, and saw hunters arrived. The hunters bursting through the bushes and trees to spotted a prey they caught who is hanging helplessly.

Chris approaches with several men behind while one who is particular taking his time. An elder man is known as Gerard Argent. Chris withdraws a stun baton, with a sharp flick of his wrist it telescopes out as it cracking with blue bolts of electricity.

The trapped werewolf snarls in fear as Chris calmly walked toward the creature then whips the baton up and connects the top of its body. A blue flash briefly lights the woods as the werewolf's cry turns to a human scream.

Instantly, the werewolf transformed back into a homeless man. "Who are you?" Chris watched the man simply sputters in fear. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, nothing, I swear." The homeless man answered, fearfully.

Chris narrowed his eyes at the werewolf. "You're not from here, are you?" no response. "Are you?" Chris lifted his baton.

Which causes the werewolf to shakes his head with terrified. "No. No, I came—I came looking for the Alpha. I heard he was here. That's all." Chris and Gerard glanced at each other quietly. "Look, I didn't do anything. I didn't hurt anyone. No one living. He wasn't alive in the ambulance. He wasn't. I swear." He pleading.

The elder man turned around, facing the hunters calmly. "Gentleman! Take a look at a rare sight! You wanna tell them what we've caught?" he glanced at his son.

Chris eyeing at the werewolf blankly. "An Omega."

"The lone wolf!" Gerard nods his head, walking toward the hunters while the werewolves who are hiding are watching them. Derek controlled his growls as his eyes shifted to scarlet-red while Scott's eyes changed to golden. The elder man grabbed something from one of the hunters and lifted up to reveal a long sword in hand. "Possibly kicked out of his own pack, or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down, maybe even murdered... and possibly alone by his own choice..."

Scott stared in horror while Derek gritted his fangs, attempted to control his anxiety and rage wolf. The elder man walked back to the helplessly trapped werewolf. "Certainly not a wise choice... because, as I am about to demonstrate. An Omega rarely survives on his own." Gerard lists the blade with both hands then with one swift and startingly powerful movement, he whips the blade around right across the torso of the homeless man. The lower half of the homeless man's body falls to the ground.

Derek pulled Scott back who lurches forward with his powerful strength as his arms wrapped around Scott's shoulders. The Beta stared in terror at the shocking display of violence while Derek growled with disgusted by the hunters' actions. "N-no..." Scott gasped in horror.

Emerging │ Young!Sterekजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें