*Twenty Four*

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"We're gonna be late!"

"Armin. It's a private plane."

"So! We've still gotta do security stuff! Where's your toothbrush?"

"In the bathroom."


"Because we leave in six hours."

"We've gotta get snacks for the drive. You want anything in particular?"

"I'm good, you seem high strung for some reason."

"Am not."

"Just relax Armin."

"If I forget to pack something it's your fault!"

"Of course."


"We're late! We're the last ones here!"

"Armin it's fine, hey Marcel."

"Hey y/n, hey Armin."

"I have to sit down i'm having hot flashes."

"Uh ok."

"He's been acting weird all week I don't know what his problem is."

"I'm not sure either."

"Yeah sure."



"Y/n the plane has beds!"

"Yes it does Connie. I've been on here before."

"Colts in his corner again." Marcel said with an eye roll.

"Leave me alone."

"Colt you always sit there."


"So sit somewhere else."


"Y/n! There's no good food in here!"

"Blame Marcel Sasha."

"Actually blame Porco."

"I don't care we have to stay in here for hours with barley any food!"

"It's not the end of the world Sash."

"Shut up Jean! You've got a stupid beard."

"Here we go."

"I dont get the point of it. Why grow one if you can't eat it?"

"Y/n where are you going?"

"Sasha is forcing us to go to a spa with her so that's where i'm going. There's a food court there so I'll probably eat there."

"Oh ok. What time do you think you'll be back?"

"Around seven. Sorry."

"It's alright. Just don't do anything stupid."

"I should be telling you that. What are you going to do?"

"Probably go hang out with Eren.


"So why are we here?"

"To get hot Mikasa duh."

"Yeah but it's expensive."

"That's why it's on y/n!"

"I didn't say all that. I said I would go, not pay for everyone."

"Too bad! I want a facial. Come on Historia!"

Arranged (Armin X Reader) (Sequel to Want You)Where stories live. Discover now