*Twenty One*

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I'm back. I just decided to ignore them. Also I got very bored.

"Armin, your crushing me."


"Get off. I know your not still sleeping."



"No. Not until you promise."

"Promise what? If this is about another damn baby-"

"Just one!"

"Not now! Can we at least get out of school first!"


"Get off or you'll never get to see me naked again."

"I don't need you to be naked to have sex."

"Get off!"

"So mean."

"Well it's past noon."

"Past noon?! I slept through class!"

"Oh well."

"I had an exam today!"

"Just say you were sick."

"It doesn't work like that! I'm gonna fail and not get to graduate-"

"Armin, you haven't gotten anything under a ninety eight in that damn class as far as I know. Plus your professor knows you, he'll probably let you take it late. He might just take some points off."

"I can't lose points! It'll ruin my whole grade, the average will drop!"

"Well it's better than a zero."

"This is your fault!"

"Here we go."

"If you weren't so hot I wouldn't have slept through class today."

"Mhm. Does this link back to me not letting you get me pregnant some how again?"

"Yes. It's your fault."

"Mhm. I'm hungry go make me something."

"Is this how your going to act now?"

"Yup! I cant boss Colt around anymore so now it's back to you."

"Fine. Also um. How are we supposed to get your clothes and stuff back."

"I didn't think about that."


"I'm pretty sure they started moving a lot of my stuff into a new house too."

"You've got to be kidding, what do you have on you?"

"Uh, like twenty bucks, my credit and debit card, my phone, and an ugly wedding dress."

"You'll have to wear my stuff for now."

"I can just buy new ones."

"We don't even know how much money you have yet."

"We should probably go check that out."

"Yeah after we eat."

"We've got the paperwork from the bank,now what?"

"Open it. See what all this fuss was about."

"You open it Armin."

"No it's yours."

"I'm scared."

"Ask the group chat then."

@y/n: guys

@mymomsatitan: IM HERE YES?

Arranged (Armin X Reader) (Sequel to Want You)Where stories live. Discover now