*Five Pt. 2*

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~3rd Person Pov~

|A little after you left for class that morning|

It was about an hour after you left for class and Armin had ate the breakfast you left for him and laid on the living room couch, trying to find a way to pass time until you got home. He figured he'd take you out to dinner that night, he would give you a proper date, buy you some flowers and your favorite ice cream. \ So that's what he did. He quickly stopped at the store and picked up everything he needed. But when he got back, someone was waiting for him. 

"What are you doing here? Y/n said that you wouldn't come back until she made her final choice, and she didn't speak to you yet."

"I'm not here for her, I'm here for you."

"Me? What do you want from me? I'm not singing anything."

"I'm not asking you to sign anything. I'm asking you to get lost and break up with her."

"Yea, your gonna need to leave."

"I'm serious Armin."

"I'm not breaking up with y/n. Your wasting your time."

"That stuff for her? She likes those flowers."

"I said leave."

"I'm giving you until midnight tonight."

"I'm not going to do it. So just-"

"It would be a shame if something happened to that face of yours that she loves so much."

"You can't do anything to me, your too venerable right now-"

"Who said it was going to be me?"

"...I...I don't care. Do what you want to me, I'm not leaving her during this. She needs me right now."

"Your not the only one I'll go after."


"Eren Yeager and Connie Springer- building C, room number 408, Mikasa Ackerman -building C room number 398, Jean Kirstien and Marco Bott building C room room number 415, Sasha Blouse Building A, room number 17...I can keep going, I have everyone."

"What the hell...you wouldn't..."

"No I would Armin, I get what I want. I was raised that way. Your an obstacle I need to get rid of. And I'll take other people down if I have to."

"I thought you cared about her...going after her friends would hurt her too."

"I know...but she'll get over it...she wouldn't even know it would be me. They would all just be...accidents."

"You're sick. You know that? First it was just me and y/n but now your stalking all of us?"

"So are you going to listen to me or am I going to have to have someone beat the shit out of everyone starting with you."

"...Fine...I'll do it."

"See that wasn't so hard."

"So can you leave now?"

"Oh yea...by the way I'll know if you have or not. so don't try to run away with her or anything...and I wouldn't recommend going to the police with this. Could cause problems for everyone else you know."


"Sorry about your date by the way...waste of money I guess, but I can set you up with some other girls as long as you agree to stay away from y/n."


"Mhm, help you move on right?"

"I don't want your help...and I don't want another girl... how the hell do you want me to move on when my soulmate just got ripped out of my hands?"

"That sounds like a you problem, I'll be leaving now...remember what I said."


Armin watched as Porco drove off and he walked inside, he placed the ice cream on the  kitchen counter, not caring if it melted and tossed the flowers aside. His back landed against the wall and he slid down until he was seated on the floor with his head in his hands. He decided he would tell you when you came home. It would be easier that way. He would rather not wait until it was late and have to deal with holding that in all afternoon. 

Armin walked to the living room and sat on the couch. He sat there for hours, not even getting up to eat. And then he heard front door open and click shut. His heart practically jumped out of his chest. He looked over at you, and you smiled down at him slightly confused as to why he looked the way he did.

"Hey you, how was your day?"

"Um I have to talk to you."

"Uhh ok? Something wrong?"

"Yea... um, let's sit down."

"What up?"

"I um-i'm- fuck I don't know how to do this."

"Just say it."

"I um..." 

"I'm breaking up with you."


"Y/n I can't....I thought about it about everything... it would just be easier if we weren't together."

"Your making no sense...but yesterday you said-"

"I was drunk."


"Just please- this hurts okay. I- I'm really sorry for wasting your time."

"So you fuck me and then throw me aside?"


"Let me guess your kicking me out too then?"


"You know what...no matter what, I would always stay by you. But apparently when shit gets a little hard you have to go run away and hide under a fucking rock. Your such a liar!"

"Y/n please-"

"Don't touch me! What the hell is wrong with you? How could you sleep with me and dump me the next day?"

"I'm sorry."

"Fine. I wish Petra never showed me that damn video. That would've made things a lot easier."


That was the last thing he said to you before you slammed the door. He practically fell to his knees questioning your intent behind that last statement. The words had came out your mouth so easily and without hesitation. Just like that day in the car. But he decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, and he decided that you didn't mean it. You were just sad, angry, hurt, and confused all at the same time. He couldn't even come up with a decent excuse. He just came out and basically ambushed you.

Mikasa cleaned up and made your side of the dorm as comfortable as she could until you and her could spend time and get it back to normal. Eren went and picked up your clothes and the rest of your belongings not speaking to Armin, mostly because Armin wouldn't answer when he asked why.

 After Eren left and the swarm of threatening text messages from Connie stopped, Armin sat back down the floor in the kitchen with anything that contained alcohol. He looked over to the flowers on the table that had started to droop from the lack of water, and then to the now melted ice cream. He drank all the bottles and glasses were basically empty. His body was slumped against the wall, and he ignored the burning sensation in his chest as he fought to not get sick from his double vison, he stayed there crying until the alcohol took over and he finally blacked out. His life was now a jumbled puzzle, and piece that fit right smack in the middle was missing. Just like yours. 

(lol not me crying while writing the last paragraph, anyways, chapter six will be out on Tuesday like usual)

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