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~TW~ Intrusive thoughts.

"Put him on speaker."

"Shh. Ok."

"Girl, raise your volume."

"Hey Armin. Um, what's up."

"Is she ok?"


"Y/n...is she ok?"

"Oh...um she's fine. She feels a little sick but other than that she's fine."

"Mikasa...make sure that bastard doesn't lay a finger on her. Can you do that?"


"And um...tell her I'm really sorry."

"Armin are you ok? You sound upset."

"Fine. I gotta go."


Mikasa looked over at you as she put her phone down, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Why did he ask about me? We're broken up now."

"Y/n I'm sure he didn't want to break up with you at all."

"It doesn't make sense. He won't even talk to me. He acts like he cares but avoids me? I don't get it."

"Well he sounded upset on the phone...maybe he just can't face you."

"I just really wanna see him...that's all."


"Armin what the hell are you doing here?"

"Levi, I need to talk to you. You're the only person I can trust not to make a big deal. Can I come in?"

"Yea, Jess isn't home so we can talk."

Armin walked into Levi's house and the two of them sat down on the couch in the living room.

"Are you gonna tell me why you broke up with her?"

"He made me do it."

"Who? Porco?"


"So he made you...than why didn't you tell her?"

"I can't! If he figures out she knows he'll hurt somebody."

"Over my dead body."

"I'm serious. He has everyone's address  and everyone's dorm numbers. He can just cover it up. Even if we tell the cops we have no evidence and it'll just piss him off even more. "

"So we can't do anything? We just sit here and let him get away with threatening you and everyone else?"

"Yes. I can't risk someone getting hurt. I just needed to tell someone...so not every last one of my friends would hate me."

"No one hates you Armin."

"No one's talking to me, I got kicked out of the group chat, and y/n hates me. Plus Connie said he would chop my dick off but that's just Connie."

"Armin people are just trying to respect y/n. I'm one hundred percent sure she doesn't hate you and Connie is just Connie."

"She does hate me you didn't hear her voice."


"It made me want to die."


"Do you ever...have thoughts like that? Where if you think about just disappearing, and how much happier everyone else would be-"

Arranged (Armin X Reader) (Sequel to Want You)Where stories live. Discover now