•The Wedding•

Start from the beginning

When they got there Sasuke held the mic then started talking.

"Hey Itachi, Izumi. I don't really know what to say actually but, I wish you two the best. Be there for Izumi when she needs you most. And make sure you're there when your child is born. I know i couldn't be there for Daisuke or Hinata when i was gone and i absolutely hate it. Just always be there for each other" Sasuke passed the mic to Hinata.

Daisuke's little hands tugged on Hinata's dress. She looked down at him then passed him the mic.

Daisuke started speaking gibberish then said a few words like 'oji' 'papa' then more and more gibberish.

Everyone was in awe. Hinata picked him up then took the mic from him and said what she wanted.

"You two are family to me and I love you both so much. I'm glad i was accepted into your family actually. You all are the reason i'm here today. But anyways enough of that, i'm so happy for you two. I can't wait to see what your babies would look like. I know they'd be cute" Hinata giggled a little.

Izumi and Itachi were both red as tomato's. Sasuke seen that and was about to laugh, but quickly stopped himself.

Hinata kept going on and on. Sasuke knew it was because she drank a few shots of Sake.

She was talking so much that's Sasuke had to take the mic away. She was talking about babies then what to do on the honeymoon and got into more of the sex. That's when Sasuke took the mic.

Everyone laughed while Itachi and Izumi were still red as ever. Sasuke didn't know how they'd be during the honeymoon, if they're like this now, aint no way they won't be awkward tonight.

Sasuke gave Obito the mic back, put Daisuke on his shoulders, then helped Hinata walk back to their seats. Naruto grabbed Daisuke off of Sasuke's shoulders then held him in his arms.

Sasuke was taking care of Hinata.

"Hey could you guys watch Daisuke? I'm gonna take Hinata home and make sure she's alright. I'll leave a clone with her so i'll be right back alright?" Sasuke picked up Hinata.

"Of course teme. We'll watch him" Naruto and Karin smiled.

Sasuke walked off with Hinata in his arms.

"So, Naruto, when are we gonna have kids?" Karin asked picking up Daisuke.

"W-What- Karin you w-want to h-have m-my kids?" Naruto stammered.

"Of course! Why would i not want to!?" Karin scolded him.

"Well- We can have a kid if you want to. Or... D-Do you want to get m-married first?" Naruto was blushing quite a lot.



"Let's have a baby first. Then get married alright?" Karin blushed a deeper red.

"T-That works too!" Naruto have his breathtaking grin.

Daisuke was falling asleep in Karin's arms.

Naruto took a look at the beautiful sight. He was grateful to have Karin in his life.

"She's a lot like Kushina" Naruto heard Kurama speak for the first time in forever.

"Really?" Naruto asked.

"Yep. Short tempered, long red hair and all of that"

"Are all Uzumaki's short tempered?" Naruto laughed a bit.

"Hmmm. The female Uzumaki's I met, yes"

"Really?" Naruto giggled.

"Oi, don't you dare laugh at me. I'm the nine tailed beast child!"

"Ok i apologize. Wait, is that your actual name? The nine tailed beast?"

"Of course not. That's just what everyone calls me"

"So what's your name?"

"Why would a human want to know my name?"

"I don't just wanna call you 'nine tails' dattebayo. That's rude"

"Hm. Humans have manners. That's surprising. Kurama"

"Kurama? That's an awesome name!" Naruto exclaimed holding a thumbs up.

At this moment right here, Kurama knew Naruto wasn't like any other human who's used him. He knew Naruto was different. Now they're actually talking and getting a long well.

"Alright! Everyone say bye to Itachi and Izumi"

Naruto and Karin made their way towards the groom and bride. Daisuke was still asleep on Karin.

Sasuke came running back making sure he didn't miss them leaving.

"I'm sorry. I had to take Hinata home. She was drunk" Sasuke said hugging his brother and Izumi.

"Don't worry about it Sasuke" Itachi poked his forehead. "Make sure you tell Hinata we said bye" Izumi smiled.

Sasuke nodded.

Everyone said bye to them.

They're gonna stay in the Cloud village for three months.

When they left everyone headed home. Kakashi took Obito to his place, Karin and Naruto went home, the Uchiha's went home, Ino went home, and just everyone did. Neji Hanabi and Haiashi headed home after kissing Daisuke bye.

Soon as Sasuke got home he got him and Daisuke dressed and climbed into bed. The baby was out. Soon as he hit his bed he was sleeping right away.

Hinata rolled over and slung her arms and legs all around Sasuke. Basically suffocating him.

He was glad Daisuke wasn't in bed rn. Hinata would roll all over him. 

She started mumbling in her sleep. Sasuke couldn't make out what she was saying.

Then she nuzzled her face into his neck biting his flesh. Sasuke just let her do whatever she wanted. He was hard but he knew she was sleeping plus Daisuke was in the room. So he just slept

*This 4 day weekend is going by so fast. Tomorrow is already monday then tuesday we go backkkkkkkkkk. I hate it😞. Anyways thanks for reading 🖤🦋*

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