37- MTF Conversation Hearts

Start from the beginning

     "What on earth was up with Chelsea?" Allison whispered as soon as Gia returned to her desk. "She came storming down the hall in a huff just after you went to Nick's office. Didn't even acknowledge me when I asked her if everything was okay. I would have thought she'd have at least given me one of her 'I'm much too superior to talk to you' looks, but no, nothing."

     Gia rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I have no idea what's going on, but I will say that something isn't right." She looked up and the only person paying any attention to them was Stephen. Still, she decided this needed to be kept quiet until she could get to the bottom of things, so she rolled her chair to Allison's side and acted like she was pointing out something on her computer. "Please don't mention this to anyone until I have a chance to talk with Nick about it, but Chelsea was on Nick's computer when I entered his office, and not only that, but she had a guilty look and closed out of whatever it was before I could get close enough to see." She glanced over to see Allison staring at her wide eyed, then continued whispering. "Then when she left, I noticed that a desk drawer was open. Nick never leaves drawers open."

     "Oh my gosh! Do you think she's stealing client information from him or something? Is that why she's been going to him these past few months acting like she needed help with things?"

     "I have no idea." Gia's mind started to race and she wondered just what it was that she had witnessed.

     Allison grabbed Gia's arm. "You could be like Nancy Drew, and I can be your assistant! A little older obviously, but you get the idea. I tell you, that Chelsea has always given off weird vibes. I'm curious to find out what she's got going on."

     "Who knows." Gia shook her head. "But like I said, keep it quiet for now. For all I know they could be working on something and she had permission to be there, though that didn't seem to be the case. We just really need to make sure before we start accusing her of anything."

     "True." Allison gave her a mock salute, as Stephen looked on with a raised brow.


     The stairs to the roof of Nick's building were dim and cold. He'd insisted they not use the elevator to build anticipation. It may have backfired, because she had time to think about things like the fact that they might freeze while eating out on the roof, and neither of them were dressed for the cold. In fact they were both dressed for a night in a nice restaurant, a nice warm restaurant. He was so excited about his surprise Valentine's dinner for her, that she held back her concerns, and tried to focus on imagining what he had arranged for them. Would it be set out like a picnic on a blanket, hopefully with extras? Or was there furniture for them to sit on, again hopefully with blankets? Before her thoughts could take it further they arrived at the top and he opened the door.

     Instead of being hit with the cold night air, they stepped into a warm passage surrounded with glass that led to a large glass enclosed space. Strings of lights across the ceiling of the room they approached reflected on the glass, creating an ethereal effect. Soft music filled the air and as her eyes focused on the room ahead she realized it was coming from live musicians, a string quartet. Was this a special event his building hosted? Were others expected? Surely this was not all for her.

     Upon entering the space it became clear. She looked at the single table, elegantly set and adorned with a single red rose. Her hand went to her heart. "This is all for me?"

     Nick wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. "Yes. Do you like it? Are you surprised?"

     "Yes and yes! It's beautiful!" She wanted to say it was too much, but could see in his eyes how earnestly he desired her approval. Continuing to peruse the space, she found in addition to the lone dining table it was filled with outdoor sofas and club chairs, several decorative plants, and along one of the glass walls there was a planter filled with herbs.

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