Episode 5 - Causalities

Start from the beginning

'Yes! Ye- the minister! Do- Well, how many Marquess of Flincher are there? Y- Wh—Is this an instrument of communication or torture? Well- Hello? D- Shrimpy? Y- It's Aunt Violet! Y- Very well, very- Y- And Susan? Y- Oh, well g- good. Good- I won't beat about the bush, dear. Who might we know on the board of Leeds General Infirmary?'

Emma shook her head and she saw Mary, dressed simply, and they both went over to the garage where Branson was and he had taken them straight to the Hospital.

Emma was filling a pitcher with water when Dr. Clarkson came in and said, 'Right. They're here.'

'May I stay to settle him in?' Sybil asked.

'Very well.' Dr. Clarkson nodded.

'We want to help, too.' Emma said, putting the pitcher down on the dresser table.

Dr. Clarkson hesitated at the door before striding towards Emma and Mary.

'Lady Emma, I appreciate your good intentions, but I'm concerned that Captain Crawley's and Major Montgomery's condition may be very distressing for you. Might I suggest that you hang back until the nurses have tidied him up a little?'

'I'm not much good at hanging back, I'm afraid. We won't get in your way, I promise.' Mary said.

'However, we will stay,' said Emma, gesturing to Mary and herself, 'You have volunteers, don't you? Well, that's what we are. Volunteers.'

'All right. Everyone to their posts!'

Lady Sybil said to Emma and Mary, 'You stand there.'

Emma stood where Sybil indicated and watched as Matthew's body in a stretcher came in. he was white as a ghost, covered in scratches and his eyelids were bruised and he was lowered to the bed.

Emma and Mary went over to him instantly.

'Take him under his feet,' Sybil instructed her two older sisters.

Emma and Mary did so and helped to lift him off the stretcher and onto the bed.

'Cousin Matthew? Can you hear me?' Sybil asked clearly.

'He is breathing, but he's not been conscious since we've had him. They filled him full of morphine, same with the Major.'

'Thank you.'

The ambulance driver left and Emma turned to see the second stretcher coming in.

Emma helped the officers transfer James's body onto the bed next to Matthew and she looked over at his injuries her body went ice cold.

'Oh my God.' Emma whispered.

James's face was battered with black and blue bruises and especially his eyes.

Emma turned to glance at her sisters.

'What does it say?' Emma asked Mary, who was holding a label attached to Matthew's clothing.

'Possible spinal damage.'

'It could mean anything,' Sybil reassured, 'We'll know more tomorrow morning.'

Sybil picked up Matthew's uniform and a small stuffed toy that Emma recognised from her youth fell out.

'What's this doing here?' Sybil asked, picking up the dog.

'I gave it to him for luck.' Mary

'If only it had worked,' Sybil remarked.

'He's alive, isn't he?' Emma said, then she turned to James and she took the label into his hands and turned it and gasped.

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