"Go and start your day.
Its 2pm I'm very angry with you jalal don't make me do something crazy,
Go take a shower and apologize to afrah for seeing you drunk,"lailah say and jalal lazily stand up stretching his body.

"But i did nothing wrong,
Why do i have to apologize."jalal say walking to his wife and hug her from the back.

"Let go off me,
I'm soo disappointed in you,
Afrah thought you are the best uncle and you go all the way to embarrassed me and yourself by getting yourself drunk just to show how stupid you are."lailah say removing jalal hand from her body making him to sigh.

"I'm sorry,
But you won't stop talking,
Second wife and children that's the only thing you keep saying to me,
You make me to go the bar lily."jalal say trying to touch his wife and she steps back.

"Don't touch me jalal,
You promised to never get drunk ,
But you did it and in the presence of my niece,
What do you think she will think of you?
You could have done something stupid to her you always have this bad habit of craving wild sex whenever you are drunk what could have happened if afrah saw you last night, you are 39years jalal,
you need to start thinking rationally."laila say seriously looking at her husband making him to sigh.

"I'm sorry.
I love you lily,
You have to understand that i can't be with any other woman apart from you, please don't try to pressurised me on the issue of second wife or kids,
God will give us kids when it's the right time."jalal say staring at his wife as he reach and hold her two hands.

"I love you.
But drunk or not i know where to stick my dick to."Jalal say the last part with a chuckle and hug his wife witg a giant smile he hate seeing her angry with him he can never find peace knowing she's upset with him.

"I love you ."she say  with a smile and hug him back.


The weekend passed by with everyone indoor, jalal apologizes to afrah for been drunk and jalal bought her a giant teddy bear as a gift for his mistakes, do afrah find herself even more attracted to her uncle but she try her best to act neutral the fact that anytime she sees him the image of that night will play in her head makes it even difficult for her to focus.

"You two need to hury,
You will both be late for work,
Afrah you know very well jalal doesn't have issues even do he's late, you are becoming soo lazy this days your uncle is initiating you in his bad late habit."lailah say as she keep the slice of toasted bread on afrah plate.

"I'm the most diligent CEO you ever know, believe it or not but you know I'm the best."jalal say with a smug smile to his wife making her to snort and drop the sandwich on his plate.

"Flatter yourself as much as you can but everyone knows you are the meanie CEO, I can testify on that because I'm the best Secretary."lailah say with an eyeroll and jalal snort.

Afrah look between the two in admiration as they tease each other,
With every single day passes the love of her uncle intensify in her but there isn't a single thing she can do about it,
But she do make up her mind to tell him he raped her the previous day when he's drunk but anytime she sees him she couldn't focus and she find it very difficult to say anything.

"Meet me in the car if you are done."JALAL say standing up from the chair snapping afrah out of her thoughts.

"I'm done."she say more like whisper and stand up with a sigh.

Lailah fix her husband neck tie by the car as he wait for afrah.

"What's wrong with your niece?
Didn't you notice she's been awfully moody."jalal say and lailah humm in response.

"I have try asking her what's bothering her but she refused to say anything,
Do me a favor and ask her maybe she can tell you."lailah say with a shrug and jalal node.

"Do you think she's maybe uncomfortable living with us,
I can get an apartment for her."jalal say as afrah exit out of the house.

"I don't think so,
She's coming right behind us,
Have a great day at work."lailah say and slightly hug her husband as he press a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Are you done?"jalal ask afrah and she node.

"Take care baby."he say to his wife and she node.

Lailah watch as afrah seat in the passenger seat, her husband enter the driver seat and he drive out of the house.

"I will send someone to pick you up after work because i will be leaving late today,"jalal say once he halt at the front of afrah work place.

Afrah turn her gaze to him and stare at him wondering wether what she's about doing is the right thing.

"Afrah."jalal call and she sigh turning her gaze to the road.

"Is something bothering you?
You have been acting weirdly lately,
You aunty is worried if there's anything you want to share with me don't hesitate, I can do anything for you because you are my wife only niece and she loves you soo much,
Anything that lailah care about i will do anything to make sure that thing is safe,"jalal say reassuringly looking at afrah who's lost staring at him.

I ......
I'm late for work."afrah say with a weak smile and JALAL node.

You can have this maybe you will go out and some shopping will remove the boredom."he say and give the bundle of 1000naira notes to her.

"Thank you."afrah say and collect it not because she needs the money.

"You welcome don't forget I'm always free whenever you need someone to talk to."jalal say looking at afrah as she open the door but she close it with a sigh.

"There's something i have to tell you,
I know i might sound crazy or stupid but that's exactly what and how I'm feeling."afrah say staring at her uncle who node.

"No one is crazy or stupid afrah,
Everything has a reason for it to happen so feel Free to sa........

"I love you."afrah say not letting him complete his sentence making him to look at her confused.

"Excuse you."he say looking at her confused.

I love you uncle jalal from the first day i step my foot into your house i love you, I try my best to control myself and my emotions but it's impossible, after what happened during the weekend when you got drunk and.......

"What happened during the weekend?"jalal say as he feel his heartbeat palpitating as he pray let it not be what his mind is whispering to him.

"When you came back on Saturday and I...........

"Just got the explanation,
What happened between us?"jalal yell making afrah to look at him frighten.

"You raped me."she say in a whisper making him to face palm as he hit the steering frustrated, talking incoherently to himself as afrah stare weirdly at him.

"I di.....

"Get the fuck out of my car."jalal say avoiding eye contact with her with his eyes close, once the car door close he sigh opening his eyes with a facepalm.

Jalal curses himself for been so stupid to go to the bar,
What would happened if lailah found about this, the thought of his wife leaving him makes him sick, what is a life without lailah in it he do rather die than to live without his wife.

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I love you alll.

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