Chapter 11

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On the next morning, Lisa was woken up by Jennie softly stirring in her sleep, a tiny whine leaving her lips at the same time. The lieutenant sighed and tried to move, but the slight heaviness she felt over her good arm kept her in place. She opened her sleepy eyes slowly, which she couldn't even rub due to being unable to move her hand, and looked down at her limb.

Soon enough she understood what was happening. Lisa was pushed to very the edge of the hut, with Jennie happily sprawled on the rest of the space, shamelessly using the black-haired woman's arm as a soft pillow to sleep on. Her face was way too close for Lisa's likings and her heart immediately picked up its pace in response to that. She tried to get her arm back as carefully as she could without waking the brunette up and quietly left the hut.

Lisa plopped down by the extinguished fire, running a hand down her face as old sudden memories flooded her mind. She remembered how Jennie always invaded her side of their shared bed in her sleep, just like she did that morning, in a desperate search for closure and warmth. They would fall asleep apart and wake up with tangled limbs and the brunette almost on top of the lieutenant.

Jennie's clinginess had always been one of Lisa's favorite traits of hers since she just loved having the small woman in her arms. She never complained about her constant need of attention, kisses and cuddles at any given time of the day, sometimes even in the middle of the night. Because Jennie was her woman, the one she loved with her everything, and whatever her woman wanted, she went through heaven and hell to provide.

Lisa's home and soul felt completely empty in the first months of their heart wrecking breakup. Gone were the warmth she was so used to having at night, Jennie's cheerful presence around the apartment that accompanied the light of the new day, and the around the clock love confessions that never failed to put a smile on her red face.

She missed her strong hugs everytime she would come back from work, healthy and alive, and see that the love of her life had waited impatiently for her return. The past few months she came back to an empty cold room lacking any trace of life. Gone were the scents of Jennie's delicious home-cooked meals, gone was Jennie's clumsy dancing to her favorite songs in the middle of the living room, gone was Jennie and her love who made Lisa feel alive and actually at home.

When the lieutenant felt the loneliness intensify more than she could handle by herself, she would call Rosé over. The younger woman would keep her company during the dull days, trying to distract her from the dark throughs, sometimes would even spend the nights together with her best friend, trying to fill the irreplaceable gap the brunette left in her heart. 

Lisa knew her current slight feeling for Rosé could be just a defense mechanism against the heartbreak she went through, she also knew that Rosé would never be what Jennie was for her.

However, Lisa started to heal. As the months slowly dragged by and she spent her spare time in her best friend's company, she started to forget the memories on the top of her head. They knew, though, that it was all still buried deep inside her mind and a morning spent close next to Jennie would unleash all its power all over again.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Lisa brushed the single tear that slid down her cheek when she heard the brunette's soft sleepy voice call from behind. "Yeah, all good"

"Are you sure?" Jennie insisted as she walked closer.

Why did she care? Lisa wondered before getting up from the ground and dodging the hand that headed towards her shoulder. "Absolutely. Let's eat some breakfast and get ready for the road" she said and walked away.

The familiar sight of Jennie's peacefully sleeping face so close to hers and the small whines she always made a few minutes before waking up stayed glued in her head throughout the whole time in which she cut the rest of the food for breakfast. Lisa felt her mind veer towards the gutter once again. She felt herself missing this type of closure, missing Jennie, and she didn't like where this was going. The brunette beauty still had her in a strong chokehold even after more than a year of separation.

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