30. A Captain Never Quits

Start from the beginning

"James started a war with the pirates because he didn't want them to take Gabriel, but I don't see any of you locking him up!"

"But Gabriel's one of us," Lyle said, getting up off the floor.

"As is anyone who is a guest on MY ship!" Jacob spat back at Lyle. "I've had it with your shit. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you when you were a child, but you can't let that dictate the rest of your life. Raephier is a good person! He's brave and kind and would do anything for anyone on this ship. Why couldn't you all show him the same kindness back!"

"If he would do anything for us, then why wouldn't he use his powers and sing?" Lyle asked.

"He told me he wanted to!" Jacob said. "He said he wanted to help, but you wouldn't listen. What was he trying to tell you?"

There was silence for a few seconds before Pete spoke.

"He said that the muntle seaweed didn't work. That it was a con."

"Yes, he was just making up excuses not to sing," Lyle added.

Jacob felt his temper start to spike again.

"And what did you do when he told you that?" he asked, his voice like the rumble of thunder warning of the oncoming storm.

"I wasn't going to beg him if that's what you think!" Lyle said.

"I did," Pete said quietly.

"What?" Jacob asked, swinging round to look at Pete, who at least had the grace to look guilty.

"I begged him to help us, but he said that he couldn't because we'd get hurt."

"And did you believe him?"

Pete shrugged. "I knew there was a risk but we were getting hurt anyway."

"Jeez," Jacob said, gripping his hair. "Do you even know what happens when he sings?"

Pete shook his head.

"When he sings he targets one person, and that person falls into a sort of transe where all they will see is him. The song will continue until that person kisses him and then their soul gets pulled into Raephier and their body dies. But what you may not know is that there is something else that happens too. Everyone who can hear the song, even though it is not targeted at them, gets affected too. But for them it's different. They get filled with jealousy and rage and they will fight to the death for the love of the Siren. Nothing can stop them. Not even the Siren. That is why his power is feared. Because he is capable of taking down a whole army by actually only taking the life of one soul. If he had sung as you asked him too, you would all be dead. He saved your fucking lives and how did you repay him? Handing him over to that bastard Jinx. I'm so fucking mad at all of you right now."

Jacob looked round at his crew and saw nothing but wide eyed shock.

"And another thing!" he shouted. "I'm taking back Captaincy of my ship. If anyone has any problems with this, I'll happily fight you for it. But I'll warn you now, with the way I'm feeling, it'll be a fight to the death."

Jacob scanned his crew looking to see if anyone would challenge him. When nothing was said he turned to James.

"James, take Gabriel down to his bed. Pete, my cabin, now. The rest of you, get to work sorting this mess out!"

"Aye aye Captain," came the chorus of voices, as Jacob strode off back to his quarters.

Jacob really didn't want to be back in his cabin after being trapped in there for several days, but he didn't want to have to look at the damage to his ship any longer. He flopped onto the chair by his desk and put his head into his hands. Everything was such a mess and he had no idea how to fix it.

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