Unfamiliar Emotions

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Hunter's Thoughts recap

Hunter's POV

I didn't know what to think of Lexi at first, other than she disrespected my authority over her and my uncle allowed her to do so. We walked in silence towards the main guard dispatch gate, where each guard was given their orders and sent on their way to complete missions. The main entrance was only for guests and the heads of the nine covens.

I wasn't looking forward to training this human. She doesn't have any magical abilities... not that I can judge... emperor Belos gave her a staff with artificial magic similar to mine. What came next was unbelievable, once I showed her how to lift herself off a few feet with her staff, she followed me enough to where if she fell off that would be the end of her. But after a few moments, she asked me if leaning left or right is how you turn and leaning forward makes you go fast and leaning back slows you down, I said yes that was correct. I was about to tell her how to gain height, but before I even said a word she flew past me, flying as if she's done it since she was a child. HOW??? Belos got frustrated after a few hours of me trying to get the hang of it, but here she's flying with ease. Having no problem speeding up and slowing down when turning. Leaning left while navigating the staff upward to get height, and then turning around. Leaning right while pushing the staff downward. She's a Natural!

That was the beginning of my admiration toward this human. Next was how fast she learnt how to teleport and use magic to counter attack. She had trouble at first, but once she got teleportation figured out and after teaching her how to use magic to counter attack. The only difficulties she had was aim. Once I helped her by guiding her hand movements and where to face when directing attacks and teleporting, her skill impressed me.

Although, I didn't know Emperor Belos was going to take my progress report of her to the extent he did. Having her battle Lilith.

Watching how nervous Lexi was, I felt not only terrified for her well-being, but I felt like I set her up to die.

However, as I watched the battle, Lexi struggled at first, until it appeared she had gotten angry. She was fighting Lilith like this was a real witches duel and both of them were on the same level.

"DON'T MESS WITH ME, YOU OLD BITCH!" She yelled as she teleported behind Lilith and before Lilith could react, Lexi was about to make the finishing blow before Emperor Belos ended it.

I wanted to see Lexi beat Lilith, but what emperor Belos had in mind was way better, making Lexi my partner, the emperor's left hand guard, Golden Wing.

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