I didn't know

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As I was walking around the marketplace a group of guards gather around me, handcuff me, saying I was under arrest for walking on the grass...

"What?!!!" They pointed to the sign that said, 'keep off grass!' "I'm being arrested for that?!"

They shouted stating that I broke a major law.

They threw me into this carriage and took me to what I assume was the prison for 'keep off grass!' Law breakers... oh gee will they give me the death penalty too?

Skip to Belos (would you call it a castle?)

I was thrown at this person in a off white cloak with strange designs, the person wore a mask with antlers on it, the person asked the guard why he brought me to him (assuming since he has a British male voice), "Emperor Belos, this girl was walking on grass with a 'keep off grass' sign," the guard couldn't finish when he was levitated and thrown across the room.

"You bother me for something so insignificant as this?" He bellows, "that is barely worth a second glance when you have more important criminals to be on the lookout for, now begone!"

"Forgive me, Emperor Belos, do you want me to remove the prisoner then and set her free?" The guard asked.

"Did you not hear me? Leave!"

The guard ran out as quickly as he could, while I sat there not knowing what to do or what to say...

"Now as for you, human," he motioned his head down toward me, "tell me how did you find yourself in this realm?"

"I-I woke up and saw this door and walked through it, sir... I'm sorry I didn't know I did something wrong."

"Ah babub..." he interrupted me to get me to stop speaking, "I never stated you did anything wrong, my dear. I had only asked how you came to be here. You are in no means in trouble."

"Then that whole 'keep off grass' thing isn't an issue?"

He facepalmed and sighed, "when I told those guards to make sure that the citizens follow the law, I never meant for them to arrest anyone for something so trivial as walking on a small patch of ground by mistake." He shook his head disapprovingly, "well, I'll have kikimora or Lilith deal with them and their incompetence, however, getting back to the subject: you said you came through a doorway. Do you remember where that doorway is, by any chance?" He asked.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying any attention, sir." He sighed.

"Then I have no further use for you, you may leave." He turned his head.

"Wait, I could help you find it." I offered, hoping that I could repay him for letting me off so easily.

"Hmm... alright, however I don't believe you will be of much help without magic."

"Maybe I could learn on the job... possibly." I just didn't want to go back out there. Because by now, even if I miraculously did find the location of tent I came out of, it would already be gone by now.

"I guess that could work. I'll have kikimora bring you clothes and a witches staff, your teacher will be Lilith, you'll accompany Lilith on her missions to locate her wild witch sister, Edalyne Clawthorne. The mission is to bring Edalyne here to be petrified for her crimes of using wild magic. You are not to speak a word of the true intentions of Edalyne's capture to Lilith, understand?" This Belos's guy said in a serious tone. Why was he going behind his workers backs? I don't know how things work in this world so I really shouldn't ask.

"Yes, sir!"


I was given a room of my own, bookshelves, a full-size bed, a desk, chair, quill, ink, I noticed there was a staff and what looked to be guard clothes and a mask/helmet... boots next to the door. A crystal ball, I guess this is what every guard gets or something. I don't really need a crystal-ball to predict that it's gonna be a long road ahead.

Man, I hope everything turns out good and I get to actually call this place home... knowing my luck that's not gonna happen... for some reason being here gives me a sense of purpose.

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