Don't Mess with Me!

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On our way back to the emperor's palace, Hunter and I raced back to the emperor's castle. Hunter was so excited to tell his uncle how much progress we got done just in the matter of six hours. I couldn't help but feel this nervous fluttering in the pit of my stomach whenever Hunter spoke, his voice was so adorkable. He got excited when talking about things he enjoyed learning. I couldn't help but enjoy listening to whatever made him geek out, he was just so genuine. He was adventurous, fun-loving, tried to act cool, and tried to act mysterious sometimes. When he was getting more comfortable the longer we spent together, he no longer had a stick up his butt, but rather this genuine kind hearted shy boy who didn't know how to make friends.

I'm glad I came her because it feels like I finally have someone I can call a real friend. This fluttery feeling in my stomach comes back whenever I think about him in a weird "lewd" way... we just became friends. The last thing I need is to loose that opportunity.

When we got back Hunter told me to wait outside emperor Belos's throne room while he talked to him.

Neither Hunter or I expected Lilith to have convinced emperor Belos to arrange a witches duel between her and I to see if Hunter was a decent teacher after all.

In the middle of the castle courtyard, Lilith sneered at me. I was afraid I wouldn't make it out alive, all the training Hunter and I just practiced was being forgotten as fear and doubt entered my mind.

Lilith attached me with her magic, I tried to remember each of the spells Hunter taught me, but I was terrified. I felt like I was going to embarrass him. Barely dodging Lilith's attacks and getting up to run only to dodge face first into the ground.

"Haha, this is what the Golden Guard calls a powerful witch?" Lilith laughed, "you're not even worth the exercise, but I'll make this quick after you embarrassed me in front of the emperor." She made four illusions of herself, constantly using fire, ice, and lightning spells to confuse me. As I dodged a Lilith who attacked me with fire, another Lilith used ice on the ground to cause me to slip and fall.

"Such an embarrassment," she chuckled, "maybe you were better off in the human world, at least you won't be taking up much needed space for more deserving witches with actual magical talent."

Her taunting was pissing me off, getting back up. Ignoring the pain in my arms and legs, I gripped the staff and used the techniques Hunter taught me to use a teleportation spell. Focusing on the location of where I planned to reappear, I motioned the staff counter clockwise to teleport, "maybe you should leave before I end your existence." All of a sudden I was right behind her and I was about to hit her with my staff, "what?!"

Before I hit her, she teleported away, except I was already behind her, "you're trying to kill me," I asked, she turned around aiming her attack at nothing. Teleporting behind her for a moment I kneed her back, teleporting again and used counter magic.

"Where are you, you little?!"

Teleported in front of her face, I used another counter attack spell, zapped her with a lightning attack. She ducked and drew a circle with her fingers aiming another spell at me till I was about to hit her with my staff, "DON'T MESS WITH ME YOU BITCH!"

"ENOUGH!" Emperor Belos intervened. "It is clear that Golden Guard has taught you well. Welcome to the Emperor's Coven, my new left hand Guard, Golden Wing!"

Hunter x Fem Oc: Run Run AwayWhere stories live. Discover now