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Jungkook raced to the hospital wing checking out the security on the way.
How cod ge let this happen ??
That's what he thought.
Jungkook always was detail oriented and hated anyone who let's things mess around with his work.
His mind was only crowded with this mysterious person's identity.
He walked to the room where the guy was being treated and went straight in.
Shock covered his senses seeing Park Chanyeol on the bed with eyes open but he looked like he was in pain.
"How is he ??", Jungkook asked the doctor.
"He's okay My lord the bullet hit his shoulder blade missing the heart. He just need medication and rest. Now if you allow I must leave."
Jungkook just nodded.
Jungkook sat on the chair beside the bed as the doctor left.
"I'm sorry hyung!!", Jungkook said.
"Nah It's okay.", Chanyeol replied as he tried to sit up only to be stopped by a certain Prince Jeon infront of him.
"Whoever did this will pay for it 😤!!", Jungkook exclaimed clenching his fist.
"Well that's your problem Jungkook-ssi I don't know anyone here so they probably didn't know that I'm the King Park to be"
"Yeah but someone being shot in the castle wall is not something I can ignore. Anyways what brought you here ??"
"Jimin.. where is he?? Is ge okay?? I want to see him?? I have missed him so much !!", Chanyeol said face saddening.
"Oh !! He's okay. I can't say he's totally fine tho. He's on medication for fever. He's become really weak and pale. I'm gonna make sure he recovers. Don't worry hyung."
"I'm happy he found you Jungkook ah "


Jimin was currently in Jungkook's room that now equally belonged to him according to Jungkook.
Jimin kept walking around bcuz ge wasn't really feeling okay.
His head felt heavy and the world was spinning.
He was dizzy and nothing seemed straight.
He walked to the door and opened it.
Before he could step out a wave of dizziness hit him making his grip on the knob tighter.
Just then he saw a figure approaching him but the face was too blur to be identified. He felt strong arms lift him up just before black covered his senses.
"Jimin !! Wake up baby !!"
"Open your eyes baby !!"
"Look at me. I'm here. Your kookie wants you to look at him "
But....there was no response.
Jungkook laid Jimin on the bed and rushed to call the doctors.

Jikook ff "The MONARCH"Where stories live. Discover now