Heart linked princes

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Prince Park was at the Kim's mansion to meet his friends right after returning from the beach after announcement.

"So what brought you here minie??", Namjoon asked as he sat beside Jimin on the elegant couch.

"I have things to get off my chest. Where is Jin-hyung ??", asked the little Prince. "Iam here baby minie !!", an excited Jin walked in the room and hugged Jimin before sitting on the other side beside him.

"I will get straight to the point now. I don't want to marry Jaemin !!"

"But why ??", asked Namjoon. "A-Are you interested in someone else ??", asked Jin fearing the answer knowing how much it could hurt the smaller boy.

"I am in love. I love him. I can't live without him hyungie.", said Jimin as he hugged Jin.

"Who is he ??", Namjoon asked. "Have I seen him ??"

"Yeah....he was there today at the venue !!", said Prince Park.

"Does he love you back??", asked Namjoon. Earning a nod from Jimin he said. "It must've hurt him a lot....who is that guy by the way ??"

"Jungkook.......JEON Jungkook. My e-enemy...", Jimin broke down into sobs as Jin comforted him. 

"Oh....", was all that left Namjoon's lips before he said. "Jimin you know you can't do anything right ??"

"I know. I just wanted to open up. I don't have Taetae now so you are all I have hyungs.", suddenly Jimin remembered something. "Oh and one more thing. I think I saw Tae today !!"

"w-what ?!?! WHERE??", said Namjoon. "With the Jeons and also the Mins maybe father sent him to the Jeons !!", said the broken Prince.

"I have an idea !!", said Jin. 

"Let's go for camping !!"

"It's not the time.", said Namjoon. " Oh no ......not just any normal camping let's invite Jungkook secretly. Lets go for a week till Jimin's wedding this ways they'll get to spend time together and we can ask him to bring his friends and that might include Taehyung !!", said Jin.

"Okie.", said Namjoon. Jimin just nodded. Tears now dry yet he knew many more of them were on their way to him. His love life was gonna end sad and that thought made him wanna die together with Jungkook than to live alone without him.

Love is not easy. It needs sacrifices. Pain and sorrow come along with love. This journey had just started. Many hurdles awaited the two heart linked Princes. 

Hearts once linked are bound to be together forever. Trying to separate them was like trying to separate the water and sand on the shore. Each push backwards would result in a much powerful tide on way to each other.

Jikook ff "The MONARCH"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora