36- MTF I'm your Man

Start from the beginning

     Nessa was the one most worried about taking a spill. In Omar's words "she could trip over her own feet on a flat surface." It sounded demoralizing, but Nessa agreed, and reminded them that she'd already fallen multiple times while skiing. Many of the falls were while simply walking to the next slope.

     The location where they started practicing with the boards had some flat spots that were good for learning the basics. Once Gia had the stopping down and had worked on speed control, Nick taught her how to garland. After getting the C and S turns under her belt, she worked on increasing her speed and distance. She'd fallen a couple of times at the beginning, but now her confidence was building.

     "I think you're ready to go all the way down," Nick called out.

     Gia nodded.

     "You go ahead and start working your way down, and I'll come behind you."

     "Are you sure. I'll be trying to go fairly slow."

     "Yep, I'm sure. No worries, I'll give you a head start, and I'm fine going slow. You just need to focus on what's comfortable for you."

     "Okay then." Gia took off and felt a rush of adrenaline as she picked up speed. Slowing herself she practiced some turns. Glancing to the side, she saw Evie going down the hill with Scott close by, and gave a small wave before turning forward again. Just as she did, she noticed something dark in the snow right in front of her and quickly tried to twist to avoid it, but instead found herself crashing into the snow. At first she didn't move, or couldn't, she wasn't sure. She opened her eyes to see Nick peering down at her with concern.

     "Gia!" Nick ripped off her goggles and baklava so he could see her face. "Talk to me. What hurts?"

     When she finally caught her breath she felt relieved. "I'm not sure," she said weakly. My left leg feels funny, like it's asleep, but it also hurts. I think I just need a minute. It knocked the breath out of me." She wasn't sure if the impact or the pain had caused it her breathing issue. When she turned her head and lifted her arms she felt relieved, so she took it further by pushing up on her elbows. That was another good sign. "I think my left leg is the only thing affected." By now their whole group had gathered around.

     "You stay with her and I'll go down for help," Chip called out.

     Gia tried to smile, but the throbbing in her leg was too much, so she dropped back down to the snow and closed her eyes. When she woke up she was being lifted off a toboggan, that was attached to a snow mobile, and moved into a medical exam room. One of the men moving her introduced himself as Sam the medic and said a doctor would be in to check her. The doctor determined it was a sprained MCL in her knee, and that it was minor. He gave her instructions to keep it iced and elevated for the rest of the day, along with a set of crutches and a knee brace to use as she began to feel good enough to put weight on her leg.

     Jill's dad had brought the car to transport Gia back to the chalet, and everyone was determined to return to the chalet as well so she wouldn't feel left out.

     "Guys, there's no reason for you to end your day early. Please go enjoy a couple more hours on the slopes. I'll just feel guilty if you all miss out because of me. Hudson and Katherine will both be there, and the housekeeper, so I'm sure I'll be well taken care of."

     "Absolutely dear." Hudson moved closer to pat Gia on the shoulder, and Gia made a shooing motion with her hands. "All of you can get going. She'll be fine, and we'll see you when you're done."

     Evie looked to Gia for confirmation, and Gia nodded. A modified wheelchair arrived to assist Gia to the car, and the group followed to see her off. Once she was situated, both Nick and Chip went to get in the car.

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