Chapter 17: Silverfinger

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Aiden looks at Liv and says, "So are you gonna tell us what they hell just happened?" Liv says, "Okay, I don't know much. All I know was those things are called Oni, they're Japanese demons and they're looking for someone called a Nogitsune. They causes chaos, strife, and pain. The thing on your ear, isn't 5 it's a S and it means self." Derek says, "How did you know about this?" Liv says, "From an old Alpha named Satomi." Derek smiles and nods his head. Everyone leaves, except Scott and Liv. Liv says, "Where have you been? I left so many missed calls." Derek says, "Sorry, I was kind of tied up." Liv nods and turns to Scott, "I think I'm just gonna stay with Derek. I think we need to catch up don't you think?" Derek nods and Scott says, "Okay, I guess I'll see you at school." Liv gives Scott a peck on the lips and he walks away. Derek says, "So, what's on your mind?" Liv sighs and says, "Something happened at school when I saved this girl." Derek says, "What happened?" Liv says, "I had this unknown strength happen to me. I pushed down the lockers and then when I went back I couldn't do it." Derek says, "Interesting. Maybe has to do with what you are? What did you feel when you when you pushed down the lockers?" Liv says, "I felt like I had the need to protect my friend." Derek nods and says, "Maybe that's why you didn't feel the strength when you went back to test it out." Liv says, "Yeah, I guess." Later, Derek takes Liv home to get dressed for school.

" Later, Derek takes Liv home to get dressed for school

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While in the car with Derek, he says, "You know those things looked right at you and Scott right?" Liv says, "Yeah, I know

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While in the car with Derek, he says, "You know those things looked right at you and Scott right?" Liv says, "Yeah, I know." Derek says, "You don't sound to worried." Liv says, "Should I be? I mean, I know I'm not the Nogitsune. I know Scott isn't it either. You don't have to worry, I'll be fine." Derek nods and thinks that he's still gonna follow her and Scott. Later, Scott's with the twins and Ethan says, "Did you tell him?" Scott says, "No. He's got enough on his mind right now." Aiden says, "If they're coming for you in a few hours then so do you." Scott says, "What if it's not me? Okay? What if I'm no the one they want?" Ethan says, "Who else is there?" Scott looks towards the stairs to see Liv and she softly smiles at Scott and he gives her a tight lipped smile back and she walks away. Scott says, "Liv." Aiden says, "Oh, right." Afterschool, Liv waits for Scott and she smiles when she see's him. Liv gets on the back of his bike and Scott turns around to give Liv a peck on the lips. Liv says, "What shall I do with these?" Liv and Scott smile at each other and Liv drops the parts for the twins bikes. They then arrive at Scott's house and Liv locks the door. Liv says, "We're running out of time." Scott says, "I know." They go upstairs and Scott checks his windows. Liv sits on his bed and Scott follows her and says, "We're going to be okay. I promise." Liv nods and says, "I know." Scott looks at Liv lovingly and softly kisses her and brings her on his lap. Liv slightly pulls away and says, "The suns setting." Scott says, "Yeah, I know. Are you scared?" Liv softly says, "A little bit, but when I'm here with you I'm not." Scott softly smiles and kisses Liv once more. Scott hears a car pull into the driveway and leans back and says, "My mom's back." Liv says, "Okay, then we should go." Liv gets off Scott's lap and Scott grabs Liv's hand and they both walk down the stairs and see his dad. Scott says, "What are you doing here?" Liv realizes and says, "We were supposed to have dinner. I totally forgot." Scott says, "Oh, right. Wait why do you still have a key?" His dad says, "We can forget about dinner. It's funny though how you mention keys. Because while I may have a key to this house, I'm not sure sure how you got a key to my office." They both see their photo on his laptop and his dad says, "Let me help you out here. This kind of thing usually begins with something along the lines of, "It's not what you think." Or "I can explain." Scott this doesn't sound like something you would do. It sounds exactly what a Stilinski would do. You know Stilinski's and McCall's have a thing about not working out. I don't think your relationships gonna last." Scott can smell Liv's anger and as he's about to say something, Liv says, "I don't care what you think. In fact the reason your still here is just to get my dad fired. Speaking of my father, your also jealous that he's a better father to his kids then you will ever be." Mr. McCall says, "What gives you the right to talk to me like that? I proof that you broke into my office and that you will be at fault for your dad's impeachment." Scott's eyes widen and he sees the tears about to fall from Liv's eyes and says, "Dad, let me help you out. You need to leave." His dad says, "I will. With a satisfactory explanation." Scott gets angry and says, "Go get a warrant." His dad says, "I don't need a warrant. I'm your father." Liv rolls her eyes and says, "No, you're a gene donor. I got my hair color from you. And that's all I got. So you're not allowed allowed to play tough dad with me and you certainly not going to threaten my girlfriend." Melissa walks in and notices Liv's tears and says, "Hey, what's going on?" His dad says, "Maybe one of you should explain." They notice the suns going down and Liv sniffs, "Scott..." They notice an Oni and his dad says, "Who the hell is this?" Scott says, "Dad, no! Dad, wait... Dad." His dad gets sliced and Liv screams. As Scott wolfs out the doors opens and Derek comes through and Scott says, "Mom, the ash!" One of the Oni, sneaks up behind Liv and the twins jump through the window and attack it. Scott says, "Mom, mom do it now!" The Oni are both trapped outside the mountain ash and their both looking at Liv. Aiden says, "You okay?" Liv gulps and says, "I am for now." Liv walks to Derek and Scott and Derek says, "All the baseboards are ash wood?" Scott says, "Uh, yeah. It was Deaton's idea. And where the hell did you come from?" Derek says, "I've been following you two." Scott says, "For how long?" Liv says, "All day." Scott looks at Liv and says, "You knew?" Liv says, "Derek, you may be werewolf, but I could sense you at school. Your eyes following me around is kind of creepy." Derek softly laughs and says, "Sorry, if it involves you, then I'm going to do everything I can to protect you." Liv softly smiles and Scott hears his mom say, "Scott, this isn't good!" As Scott goes to check on his father, Liv and Derek go to the front where the twins are. Liv says, "Their eventually gonna pass through." Ethan says, "Your not being very optimistic." Liv says, "I'm not trying to be. It's you guys fault, you attacked them. They were jut doing their job." Aiden says, "Which is finding the Nogitsune?" Liv says, "Yep." Ethan says, "Right, so if you or Scott is the Nogitsune you'll kill us?" Liv says, "Probably." Aiden says, "Well that sounds comforting." Liv them and goes to the kitchen and calls Stiles, but he doesn't answer. Liv leaves a message that says, "Hey, you probably don't know what's going on right now, but I need you to be careful. If you see some shadow things don't worry their not gonna hurt you, there looking for someone called the Nogitsune. Just be safe and I love you." Liv sends the message and the house starts shaking and Liv goes back out to the entry way and says, "Their coming." Scott stands in front of Liz and says, "I trust you." Liv nods and turns to the other werewolf's and says, "Don't do anything." The wolfs nod and the Oni get through and check Liv and Scott. Aiden goes to check on Liv and says, "Your gonna be okay." While Derek checks Scott and their both not the Nogitsune. The Oni then disappear. Later, the Nogitsune who's in Stiles body checks Stiles phone to see a voicemail from Liv. He listens to it and smirks, "Oh, Liv you have no idea how too late you are." 

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