Chapter 5: Frayed

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Liv is on a bus for a cross country meet

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Liv is on a bus for a cross country meet. Isaac is sitting next her with Boyd in front of them. Liv has her head leaning on the window and is thinking about the last time she saw Derek. Flashback, Liv is on her way to Derek's loft. Liv walks in and angrily says, "Derek!" Derek walks out and smells the anger on her and says, "What's wrong?" Liv says, "Your what's wrong, I mean did you think about what you did before throwing that cup at Isaac?" Derek realizes what this is about and says, "I didn't think about it until I threw it." Liv angrily says, "You kicked Isaac out like it was nothing. I mean, your one of the only family he has left and you abandoned him." Derek angrily says, "Yeah, but you know it's your fault he's a werewolf. He wouldn't of been in this mess without you." Liv scoffs and says, "I was trying to help him. I thought I was doing the right thing about telling you turn him, because his dad kept beating him." Derek shakes his head and says, "You know, I just realized that you like helping broken people, because you're a broken person." Liv voice cracks and says, "I may be a little broken, but that doesn't mean I can't help other broken people feel better about themselves." As Liv leaves, Derek regrets what he said to Liv. Flashback over. Meanwhile in the back of the bus with Stiles and Scott. Stiles says, "Fine, if you don't wanna talk about what happened last night, then let's talk about you and Liv." Stiles watches Scott smile at the mention of Liv and says, "What do you wanna know?" Stiles smiles and says, "Are you guys together together?" Scott smiles and says, "Yeah, we're officially together. Are you happy?" Stiles excitedly nods and says, "I'm very happy that my best friend and my sister are finally together." Scott softly laughs and says, "Me too."  Later, Jared throws up on the bus and Stiles and Allison help carry Scott with Liv and Lydia behind them. They carry him to the bathroom and set him near the sinks. Liv lifts his shirt up and says, "Why didn't you tell us?" Scott weakly says, "Sorry." Liv softly says, "Okay. Just give us a second, okay? This shouldn't be happening." Allison says, "I've seen him heal from worse than this." Stiles says, "So what do we do then, do we call an ambulance?" Allison says, "What if it's too late?  What if they can't help?" Stiles says, "We got to do something." Lydia says, "You know, it could be psychological." Stiles says, "What do you mean, like, psychosomatic?" Lydia says, "Somatoformic." Stiles says, "Som--."Liv says, "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause." Stiles and Allison are both looking at them weird and Liv rolls her eyes and says, "In other words, it's all in his head." Stiles realizes and says, "Because of Derek. He's not letting himself heal 'cause Derek died." Allison says, "So, what do we do?" Liv reaches into her purse and says, "We stitch him up. I'm serious, maybe all he needs to do is just believe it's healing and maybe I could help him heal. Liv cuts his shirt open to begin stitching. Liv uses a lighter to light the needle and Liv says, "He's gonna need another shirt. Where's his bag?" Stiles says, "Um, I'm gonna get it. I hate needles anyway, so--uh, do you know what your doing?" Liv says, "Yeah, Melissa taught me." Stiles says, "I mean, how fast are you gonna-- I mean, the bus, like, the bus could leave." Liv says, "Well, you just make sure it doesn't leave." Allison and Lydia both say, "We'll help, come on." They all then leave, so Liv can concentrate. Liv softly says to Scott, "Stay, stay with me, okay? Stay with me." Scott says, "I'm tired." Liv pleads, "Scott, just look at me, okay? Just keep looking at me." Liv heals Scott with her powers to take his pain away and threads the string through the needle and starts stitching him up. Liv finishes stitching Scott and says, "Scott. Scott?" Liv starts crying, because he's not waking up. Liv checks if he's breathing and he's not. Liv cries out "Scott? Scott? Scott!" Scott then gasps awake and he says, "It's my fault." Liv says, "Scott, look at me. It's okay, Derek is not your fault." Scott nods and looks at his side and says, "Did you do that?" Liv softly says, "Yeah." Scott says, "Thank you." Liv nods and says, "Your welcome." Scott reaches up and brushes Liv's tears away. Liv says, "Can you stand? Okay. Put this on." Liv helps Scott with shirt. Flashback to last night, Liv is packing her purse to go home. Scott says, "I can give you a ride home." Liv smiles and says, "That's sweet, but I can walk home." Scott worriedly says, "It's dark out, I don't really feel comfortable with you walking home by yourself." Liv brings her bag on her shoulder and says, "I think you have bigger problems to get to, then worrying about me." Scott walks up to Liv and grabs both her hands and says, "As your boyfriend, I'm more worried about you, then this stupid fight." Liv softly smiles, "Will it make you feel better if I texted Stiles to pick me up." Scott smiles adorably and nods. Liv playfully rolls her eyes and says, "Your lucky I like you so much." Liv texts her brother to pick her up at Scott's. Later, Stiles is at Scott's and Liv says, "He's here. Scott, please be careful tonight." Scott nods and says, "I will." Liv leans up to peck Scott's lips and says goodbye. Scott smiles and watches her leave. Flashback over. While Scott and Liv leave the bathroom, Allison runs over and says, "Is he okay? Are you okay?" Scott says, "Yeah. Stiles. Where's Stiles?" Allison says, "Trying to stall coach." They find Isaac beating the crap out of Ethan and Liv gasps. Scott shouts Isaac and everyone starts mumbling about how Scott could stop him and not everyone else. Everyone then gets on the bus. Liv finds a seat in the back and Scott sits next to her. Scott admires Liv and holds her right hand. Liv smiles and lays her head on Scott. Liv sighs and says, "I don't think Derek's dead." Scott says, "How do you know?" Liv says, "I know Derek, if he was close to dying he'd fine away to heal himself. The last time I saw him, he said somethings that hurt me and I miss him so much, that I don't care about he said to me." Scott listens intently and nods. Scott wraps one arm around Liv and kisses her head. Scott says, "This is way I like you, you never give up on the ones you care about." Liv smiles and kisses Scott on the lips and he kisses back with one hand on her cheek. Liv pulls away and puts her head back on Scott's shoulder.

Always There {3}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum