Chapter 10: Overlooked

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They go see Derek to tell him what happened at the recital. Ms. Blake says, "So...they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?" Scott says, "We told him you're the one killing people." Ms. Blake says, "Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour. That way, I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." Liv cries, "Where's our dad?" Ms. Blake says, "How should I know? Derek, tell me you don't believe this." Derek looks at Liv's heartbroken face and says, "Do you know what happened to their father?" Ms. Blake says, "No." Stiles angrily says, "Ask her why she almost killed Liv again." Ms. Blake says, "Alivia, I would never hurt you." Liv scoffs and rolls her eyes. Ms. Blake talks about how they can't prove her story and then Scott throws mistletoe at her to show her true form. Derek is choking Ms. Blake and she says, "Stilinski, you'll never find him." Liv steps forward and cries out, "Derek stop, please, stop. Derek!" Derek looks at Liv and let's go. Ms. Blake smirks and says, "That's right you need me." Later, Liv's in the jeep with Scott and Stiles. Stiles looks through his rearview mirror and says, "Liv, are you sure don't wanna go home, you've been through enough tonight." Liv sighs and says, "I know, but I just wanna be there for Cora." Stiles nods and says, "I don't know what it is but something feels wrong about this. You know, we proved it to Derek, but she still had this look like it didn't matter. You know, like it was all still going to plan. You guys saw it, didn't you?" As soon as the jeep stops Liv rushes out and goes into the hospital. They find Peter and he says, "We got a problem. Big problem." They all look to see the twins combined into one. Liv see's Cora on the ground and get's Peter and Stiles to help her. They run around the fight to get to Cora. Peter grabs Cora and they all run away from the twins. Later, Liv and Stiles both follow Derek out to the ambulance doors. Stiles says, "Okay, okay. We're okay. We're all right. You okay? How you doing? Wh-why do you look like you're not breathing?" Liv puts her ear on Cora and cries out, "Because she's not breathing. Oh, god. Oh, no, no, no. We're gonna have to put air in to her." Stiles says, "What?" Liv urgently says, "Do CPR, hurry." Stiles says, "Okay, um, uh okay I got this. I just tilt the head. Fingers on the chin. Clear the throat. Great, nothing. I see nothing. Okay, all right, So, uh... Just pinch the nose and blow. Oh, come on, Cora. Come on, breathe." Cora gasps and coughs and Liv sighs in relief. Stiles says, "Oh! You know, next time I put my lips to your mouth, you better be awake." Stiles sighs and says, "Liv, I don't wanna find dad's dead body." Liv goes to sit next to her brother and says, "We won't, I promise. You just got to have some hope." Stiles says, "I'm trying, but I don't think I can." Liv sighs and says, "Then I'll have hope for the both of us." Liv lays her head on her brother's shoulder. Liv and Stiles hear banging and growling. They both shield themselves from the window. Liv and Stiles hear footsteps and jump when they see Scott banging on the door. Scott says, "Stiles, Liv open the door!" Stiles opens the door and says, "Sorry." Scott is holding up Peter and says, "Help me get him in." Stiles helps Scott bring Peter in. Stiles says, "Where's Derek and Jennifer?" Scott says, "I have to go back for them and my mom." Liv says, "Okay, two problems. Kali's got the keys to this thing." Stiles says, "And we just saw the twins, like 30 seconds ago." Scott looks back then says, "Stay here." Later, Isaac comes with the car and Peter and Stiles bring Cora to the car to put her in the backseat. Stiles then runs back in the hospital. Peter gets in the back, while Liv gets into the front. Peter says, "What are you doing?" Isaac says, "I'm not leaving without Scott." Liv says, "Isaac we don't have time." Isaac is hesitating and they all see the twins coming and Peter and Liv both say, "Go!" Isaac then steps on it. Liv lays her head on the window and sighs, Liv thinks that hopefully Scott is okay.

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