Chapter 8: Visionary

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It's been two days since Boyd die and Scott hasn't left Liv's side since she went missing

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It's been two days since Boyd die and Scott hasn't left Liv's side since she went missing. Liv's getting tired of Scott being so overprotective. It's Sunday evening, Liv's at Scott's cuddling on his bed and Liv think's it would be nice to go see Boyd and Erica alone. Liv gets out of Scott's grasp and Scott sits up and says, "Where are you going?" Liv sighs and says, "I'm going to the cemetery." Liv can already tell that Scott wants to go with her and she says, "I'd like to go alone if you don't mind." Scott says, "Going to the cemetery, when it's about to be dark is dangerous." Liv rolls her eyes and says, "Okay, Scott I have had enough of you being so protective, that can't even go to a cemetery to see my dead friends alone. I need a break from you." Scott frowns thinking that she wants a break up and says, "You want to break up with me?" Liv sighs and says, "No, I just want one day, where your not by side all the time. I get your my boyfriend now, but your kind of suffocating me." Liv grabs her bag and walks out Scott's bedroom. Scott sadly watches Liv walk away. Liv walks to the cemetery to see Boyd and Erica waiting for her. Liv sighs and says, "I miss you guys so much." They both smile and says, "We miss you too." Boyd says, "How's Derek?" Liv says, "I don't know, he kind of disappeared after you died." Erica says, "I mean can you blame him, he lost two members of his pack." Boyd says, "What's wrong? You smell terrible." Liv slightly frowns and says, "I kind of snapped at Scott." Erica says, "Why?" Liv says, "Ever since I went missing, he's been by my side and I couldn't take it anymore so I asked for a break and he thought I was breaking up with him." Erica says, "When you went missing Scott was the most worried right?" Liv nods and Erica says, "Liv, Scott's your boyfriend now, he's always gonna be worried about, you can't exactly stop Scott from being protective of you." Liv says, "He wasn't as protective of me as he was with Allison. What makes me so different?" Boyd says, "I guess your gonna have to ask Scott that?" Liv sighs and contemplates. Meanwhile, Scott goes to see Gerard with Allison. Allison notices Scott looks a little down and thinks that she will talk to him after they speak with Gerard. Gerard says, "They found a third body?" Allison says, "Another healer, right after Scott found Liv." Gerard perks up at the sound of Liv's name and says, "Right after? Almost like it was expected she'd survive." Scott gets defensive and says, "What's that supposed to mean?" Gerard notices how Scott is protective of Liv and smirks and says, "How do you know your dark druid isn't your friend Liv herself, I mean, she has these unique powers, yet she has no idea where she got them." Scott protectively says, "I know Liv and she wouldn't let anyone die." Gerard says, "Don't be so sure about that. You'd be surprised how far some people would go to get rid of someone like Deucalion." Later, after talking with Gerard, Allison asks, "Scott, are you okay? You seem a little out of it." Scott looks at Allison and says, "It's Liv." Allison says, "Is she okay?" Scott sighs and says, "Yeah, I guess I was being a little overprotective this past weekend and she finally had enough of it and said she wanted a break. I thought she was going to break up with me, but she said no. She said I was suffocating her." Allison says, "It's probably because you were." Scott is taken back and says, "What?" Allison says, "You never left her side after she went missing right?" Scott says, "Yeah." Allison says, "Scott, you know she can handle herself, right? If you keep being overprotective of her it could push her away. It's sounds like your more protective of her then when we were dating." Scott says, "I'm not trying to push her away." Allison says, "Then tell her that." Liv walks back to Scott's to talk with him. Scott walks into his room to find Liv waiting on his bed for him. Scott softly says, "Hey." Liv softly says, "Hey." Scott sits next to Liv on his bed and grabs one of her hands and says, "I'm sorry for being overprotective, I'm scared your gonna disappear again and I won't be able to save you." Liv says, "It's okay, I'm sorry I kind of snapped at you. I guess I never really had boyfriend who's protective of me. I was wondering why your more protective of me then when you were dating Allison." Scott sighs and says, "Because there are hunters and supernatural creatures who want you, that's why I'm really protective of you." Liv slightly nods and gives Scott a hug and Scott wraps his arms around her waist tightly. 

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