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noun ~ the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

I had spent the next couple of hours or so with Calida in her room. We had let the light in, tidied up her room and I even convinced her to take a shower. She was scared that someone was going to walk in so I stayed sat outside the cracked open door for her comfort. It was a small accomplishment, but she had a spark within her that was waiting to erupt into flames.

Once she was showered, the evening air was flowing through the open windows and I found myself gazing across the magnificent garden of the castle. She was sitting on her bead, braiding her hair down her back.

"Thank you." She whispered.

I turned my gaze to her in curiosity, "What for? You did this all yourself."

She shook her head. "You were the first person in nine years who has been kind to me."

I smiled at her and she returned it with confidence. "So, what do you want to do now?"

She shrugged, "I'm not ready to go outside right now."

I nodded in thought, "Have you heard about your parents coming?"

She shook her head, "I scared everyone away remember."

I laughed. "Oh yeah, I'll ask my mate right now."

She blushed but nodded, "The large male who tore Steven apart."

"That's the one." I cringed.

"You're very opposite, but I see how it could work so well. I see how you look at each other, why do you hold back?" She wondered, cocking her head.

I sucked on my lower lip, wonderous of how others perceived us if this is what she picked up from brief moments. "I had a hard time coming to terms with what I am. My whole life has been a lie and I've been used as a pawn. It's hard for me to...commit I suppose. But I am realising now, that he does care for me; it has just been a hard time adjusting."

She smiled, "He is a large man. I can see how protective he is of you."

We laughed at the expense of Phoenix's form. It felt nice to have someone to laugh with after the hard week that has passed.

Phoenix. I called through the link.

He replied instantly, his mind opening to show me he was outside speaking with Lyra and the warriors. Some were roughhousing, others relaxing in the sunshine.

I smiled to myself, aware of Calida's eyes looking at me. Have you heard anything about Calida's parents?

I felt his mood shift as he dropped the teasing to a more serious tone. 'Yes...but it's not good news.'

What happened? I asked, turning to look out the window to hide my expressions from her.

'Her mother passed around seven years ago, and they claim she had died from natural causes... but we found a classified autopsy that claims it was silver, and she had a knife wound concealed under her clothing. I suspect suicide going by her records; she has attempted many times since Calida went missing.' He sighed. 'Her father wants nothing to do with her.'

I winced. She is human, you know. She has no wolf at all, maybe a slither of wolf blood, but a hundred percent human-born.

He hummed, interest peaking. 'Perhaps she is the product of an affair. The parents are both wolf blood, but the supposed father wants nothing to do with her.'

That would make sense. I frowned, feeling sorrow for her. I will have to break it to her slowly. Where will she go?

'I think you already have an idea, Nova.'

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